THE PEACE CAFETERIA is the Blog of the DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES of Bicol University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. This blog was set up to serve as posting board for events, news and items of information and interests about the activities, advocacy, and research of the Department of Peace Studies.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Symposium on Climate Change: Video Clip

Symposium on Climate Change and Disaster Management Held July 23, 2008

In response to the needs of the times, the VOLUNTEERS FOR PEACE, a newly organized college based organization, sponsored the symposium with the theme: "Disaster Management in Light of Climate Change. Implications for the Province of Albay. The Symposium was attended by the Students of the Department of Peace Studies, the members of the Volunteers for Peace and the A.B. Sociology Students. The Resourse Person for the symposium was Mr. Cedric Daep of the PDCC or the Provincial Disaster Coordinating Council of the Province of Albay. The Dean of CBEM and Campus Executive Director for the BU Daraga Campus, Dr. Liwayway Ables generously allowed us the use of the ENTREP Hall.

The Banner of the Symposium

Dr. Herbert Rosana, the adviser of the Volunteers for Peace (VFP) giving the opening remarks.

The Participants seated listening atentively to the discussions

The Participants

The Resource Person, Mr. Cedric Daep

Mr. Jose Romulo Federico, the President of the Volunteers for Peace (VFP) Giving the closing remarks

Monday, July 21, 2008

1st Peace Education Capability Building Seminar for Teachers and Instructors

Bicol University through its Department of Peace Studies will hold the 1st Peace Education Capability Building Seminar for Teachers and Instructors on September 4-5, 2008 at the BU Entrepreneurship Hall, BU Daraga, Albay Campus. The Seminar will seek answers to the following questions:
  • How can a climate conducive to peace and development be promoted in the Bicol Region through education
  • What is peace education
  • What contribution can peace education bring to Bicol
  • What methods and techniques for the integration of peace concepts in the teaching of basic education subjects are implemented?
  • What effective approaches can be used to evaluate the teaching of peace concepts

This seminar is designed for:

Ø Teachers – Teachers in the elementary schools and secondary schools. Master Teachers and leading teachers in Social Studies, Values Education, Guidance / counseling, and related fields are most welcome.

Ø Instructors – Instructors / Professors in Colleges of Education, Social Sciences, Humanities and related fields are also welcome to participate.

Ø School Administrators

Ø Supervisors of Student Teachers

Seminar Fee

The registration fee is PhP 1,600.00. This amount will cover the meals and snacks; seminar kit; and incidental expenses.

Contact Persons

Participants are encouraged to fill up the reply slip and confirm participation in advance. The contact numbers are listed below:

Tel. /Fax (052) 483-4441

Dr. Herbert Rosana – 0910-6292527

Ms. Ruby Ann Ayo - 09064604231

Email address:

Friday, July 04, 2008

Graduation 2008

Graduation Ceremonies for the Peace Studies, Political Science, Social Work and Sociology Students.

The Faculty Members from Left: Seated Dr. Herbert Rosana, Prof. Amelita Bello. Dr. Fay Lea M. Lauraya, Dr. Rosemarie T. Frias, Prof. Gertrudes Pena, Mrs. Erlinda Lorino, Mr. Ray Bachiller and Dr. Oscar Landagan. Standing at the Back are students from Camp Crame Extension program

The Guest Speaker, Gen. Joel Goltiao, Regional Police Director of ARMM ogether with the Faculty Members. Gen. Goltiao is seated at the center.

Regional Peace Forum in Time

Time passes so quickly. These are pictures of the 2nd regional Peace Forum. Today we are nearing the 7th Regional Peace Forum. Enjoy the pictures as we recall the 2nd Regional Peace Forum.

Dr. Herbert welcoming Gen. Magsino, the Commanding Officer who served as Resource Person. The young man in the desk is Mr. Richard Roaring, then a student but now is a 2nd Lieutenant, a proud testament to the BAPS Degree program.

Mayor Frayna of Sta. Magdalena, Sorsogon

Dr. Susana Cabredo, President of Bicol University at that time, applauded by the audience after her speech. Seated in front is Dr. Talaba, our guest speaker and Dr. Fay M. Lauraya, then the VP for Production and now President of Bicol University

BAPS Students Performing an Oblation Dance

Gen. Magsino Delivering his speech.