THE PEACE CAFETERIA is the Blog of the DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES of Bicol University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. This blog was set up to serve as posting board for events, news and items of information and interests about the activities, advocacy, and research of the Department of Peace Studies.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

A Blessed Christmas

To all our fellows and to all peace scholars and advocates, A Blessed and Merry Christmas. May the Prince of Peace bless us.

The Nativity Scene

Glory to God in the Highest and Peace to all men of goodwill

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

"Andurog kan Derechos": Tree Planting and Team Building Activities

On December 22, 2009, the Department of Peace Studies participated in a Tree Planting Activity and Team Building activity organized by the "Andurog kan Derechos" a local initiative group led by the Social Action Center - Diocese of Legazpi that provides protection for the victims of extra judical killings and the disaparecidos. The activity was organized with the objective of strengthening the relationship and bonding among the members of the group. The group decided to hold a tree planting activity at Misibis in Cagraray Island. Misibis is a tourist resort in Albay Province. Beside the resort the developers are creating an ecopark to highlight the importance of preserving our environment. Here are some of the pictures. This activity was particpated in by Church workers, the Police, the military and those in the academe.

Some members of the Andurog and their friends pose for a souvenir photo

Looks like we are in the Aegean Islands in Greece. But no, this is Misibis, in the Philippines

The Tree Planting Activity

The top soil was so sticky, it nearly ruined my running shoes.

A Taste of Tropical paradise at Misbis Resort

"overcome your fear of the heights" The eco-energy park is equipped with sports facilities that would enthrall sports minded people.

Its Almost Paradise. Service to the max with world class accommodations.

Friday, December 18, 2009

CAHRIHL: Revisited, Theme of the 8th Regional Peace Forum

On December 17, 2009 the Department of Peace Studies sponsored the annual Regional Peace Forum. This is the 8th year that this forum has been held. This year's theme centered on the Comprehensive Agreement of Respect for Human Rights and International law signed between the Philippine Government and the National Democratic Front. After 12th year of its signing what now? This was how the discussion unfolded. The Commission on Human Rights was invited to shed information on the IHL and the CAHRIHL while sector representatives were requested to offer their insights. A lively open forum ensued. Some students expressed cynicism, while others were analytical and critical in their questions, while others took the liberty to air comments. Many things remain to be seen and realized but the fact that we have embarked on the right path, things are on the positive side.

Col. Marlou Salazar delivering his reaction to the Presenters talk

The students of the Department of Peace Studies

Out Photographer, Mr. Patrick Ojano

The Panel of Resource Persons

Christmas Outreach 2009

The College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Bicol University undertook an outreach activity to the village of Culliat in Daraga, Albay. The Faculty members, students and staff of the college join the elderly and the children in celebrating the joys of Christmas. The activiety was undertaken this December 18, 2009.

Some of the Faculty members and staff of the College

The Senior Citizens of Culliat

The Christmas Program at the Culliat Community Chapel

The Senior Citizens, Joined by the faculty members and staff of the college.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

2nd Phase of the Training of Trainers for Peace Education Concluded

The 2nd Phase of the Training of Trainers were concluded. The venue of the training was held at Hotel Villa Angelina on December 14-16, 2009. This capability building project was undertaken by the SPEAR Bicol Project as sponsored by the UNDP and OPAP in cooperation with the Bicol Consortium for Peace Education and Development.

Seated from Left: Dr. Herbert B. Rosana (Bicol University), Mr. Sofronio Llorin (Development Academy of the Philippines) Ms. Jean llorin (Hearts of Peace), Ms. Emily Lambio and Ms. Melody Grace Ibo (OPAPP),

Standing from left: Prof. Fe Mendoza (Sorsogon State College), Prof. Kenjie Jimenea and Prof. Marissa F. Trinidad (University of Nueva Caceres), Ms. Cha Nacion (DEPED), Prof. Babes Atutubo (Sorsogon State College), Cristy Bahillo (DILG), Ms. Ruby Ann Ayo (Bicol University), Dr. Virginia Reyes (University of Santa Isabel), Ms. Jovy Morata (OPAB), Prof. Gemma Valenciano (Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges), and Mr. Expedito Lobitania (Bicol University)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

60 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

December 10, 1948 to December 10, 2009, 60 years of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Eleanor Roosevelt with a copy of the Spanish Version of the UDHR

"The UDHR declaration sets down the basic principles at the very heart of the human rights movement. It has enabled remarkable progress in human rights, inspiring international human rights standards, laws and institutions that have improved the lives of many around the world." Amnesty International

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Bicol University Gubat Sorsogon Campus

I have the chance for this semester to teach again in our undergradaute program in Peace Studies at Gubat, Sorsogon. Gubat is around 20 kilometers from the City of Sorsogon. My schedule is every Wednesday each week. I use to leave very early from Tabaco some 70 kilometers away from Gubat Campus. It is a bit tiring but this helps break my daily routine. Gubat is small town. Life moves a little bit slower.

The Church of St. Anthony

This is the Building of the BU Gubat Campus. This building use to be the old Municipal Building but since the Local Government moved to another location, this building was renovated and restored to be the main building of Gubat Campus. This building is located adjascent to the Church. During Spanish colonial times both church and municipal building serve civilian administrative services. This explain why this building is located near the Church.

2nd Business Meeting of BCPED's Regional Peace Education and Development Committee

December 4, 2009, the BCPED's Regional Peace Education and Development Committee (RPEDC) meet for their second business meeting at the CHED's regional office V. Dr. Peralta, Director IV of CHED's regional office was the host. Several topics were discussed in the agenda of said meeting. An update on the activities of the consortium were given and future plans were discussed. Sister Josie Onag of Universidad de Santa Isabel presented a proposal on the issue of how to charged membership fee and annual fees. The topic was deliberated upon and a consensus was reached. The group also expressed interest in the upcoming research agenda and wish to participate in this activity. Dr. Lauraya proposed that the 3rd business meeting be held on January and afterwards it will be followed by the research agenda setting. The next business meeting was set for January 6, 2010 at USI. USI will serve as the host.

Monday, November 30, 2009

School of Peace Launched in San Isidro Elementary School, Castilla, Sorsogon

The Bicol Consortium for Peace Education and Development has launched the Schools for Peace Project in San Isidro Elementary School in Castilla, Sorsogon, Sorsogon. This project is one of the three components of the SPEAR-BICOL project under the GoP-UNDP Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding project through the help of OPAPP. The School principal, the teachers, members of the Parents-Teachers Association and local village officials welcomed the project undertaking. The launching was held last November 20, 2009.

Ms. Sancha Nacion, Education Supervisor II from the Deped Regional Office-V delivering a welcome remarks in behalf of the department of education.

Dr. Herbert B. Rosana, representing the BCPED secretariat explaining the importance of Peace Education and why everyone in the community should take interest in the project.

The Joys of Advent

Advent is one of the most joyous season in Philippine Culture. The simbang gabi or the nine dawn masses preceeding Christmas is a devotion most loved by Filipinos. It is anticipated by both the old and the young. It is believed that once you completed the nine dawn masses the Holy Child Jesus will grant your wishes and intentions for the novena. Aside from its religious significance it is also a tradition that binds families and friends together. After the mass, people buy home made cakes and hot chocolate for early breakfast. As the time nears, churhces are getting ready for this event. Our parish church is also preparing for this. Tonight while passing the Church plaza I took a picture of our church's belfry aglow in neon lights.

This is how our church belfry look like in day time.

At night time it is aglow with neon lights purposely placed to celebrate Christmas.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

BCPED Peace Education Training of Trainers Phase 1 Concluded

From November 24-26, 2009, the Bicol Consortium for Peace and Development (BCPED) in cooperation with the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process has undertaken the Peace Education Training of Trainers Workshop. This activity was funded by the UNDP and this is in line with the strategic and action plan formulated by the group in March of 2009. The aim of this activity is to develop a pool of research persons in Peace Education who will lend support to the Schools for Peace Project and the Peace Education undertaking of the consortium. This training is a three phase activity. The first phase aims to provide basic peace education training to the pool resource persons. While the second part aims to refine the training module and the third phase will be the practicum. The training was facilitated by Madam Jean Llorin of HOPE together with Dr. Herbert Rosana of Bicol University and of Mr. Serafin Arviola of the Philippine Normal University.

The Trainees and their Mentors

The participants deeply engrossed in discussion

Group dynamics


Thursday, October 29, 2009


October 22, 2009. After two years in the making finally, the Bicol Consortium for Peace Education and Development (BCPED) was launched at the Arcilla Hall of the Bicol University, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. The Department of Peace Studies facilitated the whole activity with the cooperation and technical assistance from the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Philippine Peace Process. The consortium was established as an outcome of the Regional Kalahi Convergence Group Workshop in Tagaytay City in November of 2007. The idea was that the Higher Institutions of Learning in region V as well as the basic education department and other agencies can help promote peace education as a strategy for poverty reduction. Moreover, the BCPED is anchored on the Medium Term Philippine Development Plan, as well as the EO 570 mandating teacher training institutions and basic education to implement a peace education program.

A ceremonial MOA signing program was held at the Archilla Hall. The following Institutions were represented as members:

1. Bicol University
2. Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges
3. Catanduanes State Colleges
4. Commission on Higher Education-V
5. Department of Education-V
6. Department of Interior and Local Government-V
7. National Economic Development Authority-V
8. Office of the Presidential Assistant for Bicol
9. Philippine Information Agency-V
10. Social Action Center – Diocese of Legazpi
11. Sorsogon State College
12. University of Nueva Caceres
13. Universidad de Santa Isabel

Other personalities were also present to witness the occasion such as the UNDP which funded the SPEAR-Bicol Project of the Consortium, the local government officials of Castilla, Sorsogon, and other DepEd Officials. The students of the Department of Peace Studies performed a tableau for the doxology and the national anthem, while Dr. Fay M. Lauraya, president of Bicol University gave the welcome remarks. Dr. Herbert B. Rosana, Head of the Peace Studies department explained the rationale and objectives of the BCPED. Dr. Ramon Lim of the University of Nueva Caceres introduced the members of the consortium. Afterwards there was the ceremonial signing of the MOA and the commitment setting.

The BCPED envisions a strong society of Bicolanos working for peace and sustainable development. And thus it appropriated for it self the mission of becoming a lead coordinating center in the development of competent and committed individuals and institutions promoting peace and development in Bicol through advocacy, capacity building, education and networking and research. A work plan was presented to the Regional Peace and development Committee (RPDC). The Peace and Development Committee is the highest policy making body of the consortium. While the Technical Working Committee (TWC) performs the task assigned to the consortium. The TWC is subdivided into four groups that embodies the goals of the BCPED). The day to day operation of the consortium is undertaken by the Secretariat headed by a director. Bicol University will serve as the secretariat of the consortium.

After the program the first business meeting of the group was convened by Dr. Fay Lauraya. Dr. Lauraya was elected as the Chair of the group and Dr. Layon of the Department of Education through his representative was elected as vice chairperson. Various topics were discussed pertinent to the activities and programs of the consortium.

To read the PIA Report read Bicol to unveil MOA for peace education and development

The Ceremonial Signing

Dr. Ramon Lim of the Universidad de Santa Isabel Introducing the Members of the Consortium

Students and Faculty Members of the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy Witnessed the MOA Signing

The Officials of the Department of Education

Dr. Rosemarie Frias, Dean of Social Sciences and Philosophy giving the closing remarks

Dr. Orfelina Tuy of Deped Region V, signing the pledge of commitment

The Representative from the DILG - V

ASEC Tomasito Monzon

Ms. Marissa Trinidad of UNC

Monday, September 14, 2009


The chair of the Peace Studies Department, Dr. Herbert Rosana together with a senior BAPS student participated in the Asia-Pacific Peace Research Association (APPRA) Conference in Hualien, Taiwan, September 9-12, 2009. They presented the output of the summer field research of the department entitled: "The Emerging Nature-Tourism in Caramoan: Stakeholder's Perception of Benefits and opportunities." The theme of this years conference was "Innovation and Change: Peace Research, Studies and Education in Asia-Pacific". The conference was chaired by John Synott of Australia. The conference was successfully concluded with almost 40 scholarly papers presented at various panels. The conference was made possible through the assistance provided for by the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy (TFD), The Taiwan International Studies Association and the National Dong Hua University (NDHU).

The participants of the APPRA 2009 Conference posing with the welcoming faculty members of the College of Indigenous Studies of NDHU which serve as the venue of the conference. The faculty and staff of the college performed an indigenous dance to welcome the participants.

The Filipino participants from left, Jose Romulo of Bicol Unversity, Loreta Castro of Mirriam College, Al Fuertes of George Mason University (US), Lourdes de la Torre of the Antonio Technological College of the Philippines, and Herbert Rosana of Bicol University.

In front of the MUrakami Inn, Hualien, Taiwan, from Left, Lukasz Zablonski, Poland (based in Japan), Peter Wastoby, University of Queensland, and Herbert Rosana from Bicol University, the Philippines.

Dr. Herbert Rosana and Mr. Jose Romulo Federico doing their presentation at Session B

The Campus of the National Dong Hua University, Hualien, Taiwan.

The Plenary

Monday, August 10, 2009

Head of the Peace Studies Department of CSSP Participates in IHL Regional Summit

The Head of the Peace Studies Department of Bicol University, Dr. Herbert B. Rosana participated in the Regional Summit on International Humanitarian Law (IHL) in the Philippines this August 10, 2009 upon the invitation of the Regional Director of the Commission on Human Rights in Region V. The theme of the summit was: GENEVA CONVENTIONS: HUMANITY AMIDST CONFLICTS. The summit was attended by various representatives from sectors such as Social Action Centers of the Dioceses in Bicol, members of the Armed Forces, the Police, the Academe and the LGU. Variuos point of views were discussed. The output of the workshop will be sent to the National Summit on August 12 in Manila.

Atty. Pelagio Senar, Regional Director of CHR in Bicol providing the introduction to the IHL

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Philippine Madrigal Singers UNESCO's Artist for Peace

"The Philippine Madrigal Singers, one of the most awarded choirs in the world, made the country proud once again when they were designated by United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Director General Koïchiro Matsuura as Artist for Peace."

More of this can be read from: YAHOO NEWS

MAPSS & PASA Program Opens First Trimester Term for AY 2009-2010

August 8, 2009 Saturday saw the first day of classes for the First Trimester 2009-2010 of the Ph.D. in Peace and Security Administration (PASA) and the Master of Arts in Peace and Security Studies (MAPSS) of the Bicol University - Camp Crame Extension Program. This is the 13th year of BU's MOU with the PNP. Classes are now held at the Maritime Group's Building. We are hoping that as the BOR deliberates on the revised curriculum for the PASA and MAPS that the students will benefit from these changes.

The Lobby of the PNP Maritime Group Building at Camp Crame, Quezon City