THE PEACE CAFETERIA is the Blog of the DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES of Bicol University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. This blog was set up to serve as posting board for events, news and items of information and interests about the activities, advocacy, and research of the Department of Peace Studies.

Monday, February 23, 2009

BAPS Volunteerism in Action February 2009

February 14-15, 2009, the Students of the Department of Peace Studies upon the invitation of Habitat Bicol joined the Global Village Volunteers from Kyoto University of Foreign Studies for a volunteer work in the relocation settlement at Tagaytay, Camalig, Albay.

Welcome Streamer at the Municipal Hall

The BAPS Students with the Japanese Volunteers

The BAPS Students with their chaperon, Mr. Engelbert Reolo (3rd from left at back row)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Batch 2008-2009 of the B.A. in Peace Studies

On February 13, 2009 the Senior Undergraduate Class of the BA in Peace Studies Program posed for the Official Souvenir Photo. Here are some of the Photographs.

The Official Photo:

B.A. in Peace Studies Batch 2008-2009

The Unofficial Photos:

"May I have your attention please... get ready and say cheese..."

They call themselves the Kung Fu Kids. Indeed a formidable clique in the Batch.

The ladies of Disaster Management

We are just simple guys with simple dreams. But consistent and persistent too.

from your mentors: Good Luck to your endeavors! Happy Journey to the road we call life. God Bless.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Trees for Peace

Ecological Balance and respect for the environment has been a corner stone of peace advocacy. Hence on February 11, 2009 in order to celebrate Peace Day 2009, the Senior Undergraduate Class of the Department of Peace Studies went on a tree planting activity at the Centennial Forest at the Foot of Mt. Mayon Volcano in the municipality of Sto. Domingo. This activity was done in cooperation with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

The Senior Class with their Adviser and Chair of the Department, Dr. H. Rosana

The Young ladies of the Peace Studies Studies Department

For the past few years we have been offering this undergraduate program in the department there has always been a dearth for female students taking interest in Peace Studies. We have tried our best to be equally sensitive by making the enrollment open for both males and females. But apparently with no success! But we succeed in one thing - making the males peaceful and nurturing!

The Menfolks of the Senior Class Proudly holding up to their Mahogany Seedlings

A Group of enthusiastic Students.

There is an interesting poem and an inspiring one written by Joyce Kilmer about trees one line goes this way....

"Poems are made by fools like me,
But only God can make a tree."
I think this is the essence of environmental Peace, a recognition that only God the creator can make trees and the Creator is the Lord of creation who maintains balance by His providence. So let us love our environment just as we love God and ourselves.

Mass for Peace

As customary among Filipinos, the Peace Day 2009 of the Department of Peace Studies was opened with a Liturgical Celebration. The Mass celebrant was Fr. Joseph Salando, Parochial Vicar of St. Raphael Parish Church at the Port Area of Legazpi City, Philippines. The members of the Associates, an undergraduate students' organization served as the Choir.

The Major Elevation

The Offertory

Peace Day Lecture 2009

On February 11, 2009, the Department of Peace Studies sponsored a Peace Day lecture at the Arcilla Hall of the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. Dr. Nelia Salalima Ciocson, University Professor and former Vice-President for Academic Affairs served as the Peace day lecturer for 2009. She spoke on the theme of the program. The theme of the program was stated thus as: BUILDING THE FOUNDATION FOR GLOBAL PEACE BY CULTIVATING INNER PEACE. The Department also took this opportunity to honor its former faculty members and the significant others whose contribution made the Department what it is today.

Dr. Nelia Salalima Ciocson, delivering her lecture

Sunday, February 08, 2009

BU Held Workshop for the Reframing of the Peace Education Program

A 3-days workshop was held on February 4-5, 2009 at the Office of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs for the re-framing of the Peace Education program of Bicol University. The workshop was facilitated through the efforts of the VPAA, the Gradaute School, the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy and the College of Education. The aim of the workshop was to craft a framework for the revitalized Peace Education Program of Bicol University. The workshop was also facilitated by professional consultants namely, Madam Jean Llorin and her husband Mr. Sofronio Llorin. The three day intensive workshop produced inouts from the participants that will help craft and define the future direction of the peace program of Bicol University.

Dr. Helen M. Llenaresas, Vice-President for Academic Affairs delivering the opening Remarks.

Seated form Left: Dr. Herbert Rosana, Prof. Asuncion R. Mirabueno, Dr. Nora Licup and Prof. Amelita Bello, Standing: Prof. Marcia Rico

Seated from left: Mr. Engelbert Reolo, Ms. Gina M. Oropesa, and Dean Rosemarie T. Frias, standing: Mr. Merculito Lovendino and Mr. Sofronio Llorin

Distribution of Certificates