THE PEACE CAFETERIA is the Blog of the DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES of Bicol University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. This blog was set up to serve as posting board for events, news and items of information and interests about the activities, advocacy, and research of the Department of Peace Studies.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


October 22, 2009. After two years in the making finally, the Bicol Consortium for Peace Education and Development (BCPED) was launched at the Arcilla Hall of the Bicol University, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. The Department of Peace Studies facilitated the whole activity with the cooperation and technical assistance from the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Philippine Peace Process. The consortium was established as an outcome of the Regional Kalahi Convergence Group Workshop in Tagaytay City in November of 2007. The idea was that the Higher Institutions of Learning in region V as well as the basic education department and other agencies can help promote peace education as a strategy for poverty reduction. Moreover, the BCPED is anchored on the Medium Term Philippine Development Plan, as well as the EO 570 mandating teacher training institutions and basic education to implement a peace education program.

A ceremonial MOA signing program was held at the Archilla Hall. The following Institutions were represented as members:

1. Bicol University
2. Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges
3. Catanduanes State Colleges
4. Commission on Higher Education-V
5. Department of Education-V
6. Department of Interior and Local Government-V
7. National Economic Development Authority-V
8. Office of the Presidential Assistant for Bicol
9. Philippine Information Agency-V
10. Social Action Center – Diocese of Legazpi
11. Sorsogon State College
12. University of Nueva Caceres
13. Universidad de Santa Isabel

Other personalities were also present to witness the occasion such as the UNDP which funded the SPEAR-Bicol Project of the Consortium, the local government officials of Castilla, Sorsogon, and other DepEd Officials. The students of the Department of Peace Studies performed a tableau for the doxology and the national anthem, while Dr. Fay M. Lauraya, president of Bicol University gave the welcome remarks. Dr. Herbert B. Rosana, Head of the Peace Studies department explained the rationale and objectives of the BCPED. Dr. Ramon Lim of the University of Nueva Caceres introduced the members of the consortium. Afterwards there was the ceremonial signing of the MOA and the commitment setting.

The BCPED envisions a strong society of Bicolanos working for peace and sustainable development. And thus it appropriated for it self the mission of becoming a lead coordinating center in the development of competent and committed individuals and institutions promoting peace and development in Bicol through advocacy, capacity building, education and networking and research. A work plan was presented to the Regional Peace and development Committee (RPDC). The Peace and Development Committee is the highest policy making body of the consortium. While the Technical Working Committee (TWC) performs the task assigned to the consortium. The TWC is subdivided into four groups that embodies the goals of the BCPED). The day to day operation of the consortium is undertaken by the Secretariat headed by a director. Bicol University will serve as the secretariat of the consortium.

After the program the first business meeting of the group was convened by Dr. Fay Lauraya. Dr. Lauraya was elected as the Chair of the group and Dr. Layon of the Department of Education through his representative was elected as vice chairperson. Various topics were discussed pertinent to the activities and programs of the consortium.

To read the PIA Report read Bicol to unveil MOA for peace education and development

The Ceremonial Signing

Dr. Ramon Lim of the Universidad de Santa Isabel Introducing the Members of the Consortium

Students and Faculty Members of the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy Witnessed the MOA Signing

The Officials of the Department of Education

Dr. Rosemarie Frias, Dean of Social Sciences and Philosophy giving the closing remarks

Dr. Orfelina Tuy of Deped Region V, signing the pledge of commitment

The Representative from the DILG - V

ASEC Tomasito Monzon

Ms. Marissa Trinidad of UNC