THE PEACE CAFETERIA is the Blog of the DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES of Bicol University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. This blog was set up to serve as posting board for events, news and items of information and interests about the activities, advocacy, and research of the Department of Peace Studies.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


The Department of Peace Studies as represented by Dr. Herbert Rosana and together with the students attendedthe first anniversary of the "Andurog kan Derechos".  The Andurog is a Multi-Response Team on Extra-Legal Killing.  This one intervention of which the Department has committed itself.

The Celebration was capped with a Holy Mass

Dr. Herbert Rosana with the 3rd Year Peace Studies Majors

The Program

8:00 – 9:00 AM           ------     Radio Guesting
(DWBS Radio Veritas- Boses kan Masses)
Ø  Speakers: Fr. Ramoncito Segubiense (SAC), Atty. Hanil Almoguera (CHR), Pros. Ma. Teresa Mahiwo (OPP), representative from Ateneo Human Rights Center

(*To be attended by the member-institutions, community representatives, media, academe)

9:00 – 11:00                ------     Opening Program
Ø  Preliminaries
·         Opening Prayer
·         National Anthem
·         Opening and Welcome Remarks
·         Acknowledgment of Participants

Ø  Talk: Human Rights Situationnaire
               (The Extra Legal Killing and Enforced
               Disappearances Phenomenon) – Atty. Patricia Cervantes
          Open Forum
       Talk: The Andurog kan Derechos
          Open Forum
       Talk: “Spirituality of Human Rights” - Fr. Rex Paul Arjona

11:00 – 12:00 NN       ------     Eucharistic Celebration

12:00 – 1:00 PM         ------     L U N C H


(*To be attended by Heads of member-institutions and/or their official representative)

 1:00 PM                     ------     Business meeting

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

PEACE Department Celebrated Month of Peace

The entire motorcade was led by the officers of the Junior Peace Advocates.

THE DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES of the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy of Bicol University, celebrated the month of Peace with series of activities.  On September 6, 2010 the Department as spearheaded by the Junior Peace Advocates held a motorcade within the vicinity of Legazpi City and the Municipality of Daraga, Albay.  The objective of the motorcade was to make the people of Legazpi aware that September is the national peace consciousness month.  

The entire experience was enjoyable for all the students of the Department.  The activity was supported by the student body and everyone was excited to join.  wearing the departmental t-shirts the students proudly shouted slogans of peace.  They carried with then white and blue balloons, the traditional colors for peace.  After the motorcade many students gave us the feed back that the entire activity was a resounding success. 

Aside from the motorcade the Junior Peace Advocates extended the awareness campaign through their adopted baragay (village) of Anislag.  They sponsored at least 20 pre-school children and toddlers.  The treated the youngsters and their mothers to a feast of story-telling, party and games.  The peace themes of this activity were aimed at highlighting the importance of peace.

Story Telling Time

The children were treated to party and games.

Dr. Herbert Rosana welcoming the children.

The sponsored children and their parents posed with the Department Chair and the officers of the Junior Peace Advocates for a photo-ops. 

The officers of the Junior Peace Advocates with the students of the Department bid farewell to their sponsored children.

The whole celebration of the Month of September as the month of peace was capped with the 9TH REGIONAL PEACE FORUM.  The theme for this year's forum centered on peace, development and good governance.  The symposium was held at the South Ocean Villa Restaurant in down town Legazpi City.  September 27, 2010, from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

There was also the Cultural Nights sponsored by the Juniors.  It was the gala night.  RSVP.  The students found this as good opportunity to showcase their talents in artistic productions.