THE PEACE CAFETERIA is the Blog of the DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES of Bicol University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. This blog was set up to serve as posting board for events, news and items of information and interests about the activities, advocacy, and research of the Department of Peace Studies.

Sunday, October 07, 2012

The COLLEGE OF SOCIAL SCIENCES AND PHILOSOPHY of Bicol University in cooperation with the Local Government Unit of Pilar, Sorsogon sponsored the seminar on Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) Awareness Program on September 15, 2012 at the Municipal Hall.  Representatives from the different Baragays (villages) of the municipality were in attendance.  Various topics were presented.  Prof. Glento Guiriba presented the Child Situationer, dr. Ruby Ann Ayo discussed tje Child Rights, Noemi Ibo presented the Provisions on RA 7610, Salvacion Villafuerte discussed the Sexually Abusive Situations, while Dr. Herbert Rosana, presented the roles of the five pillars of the Justicw System in the CSA. Prof. Emilio Valenzuela discuss the procedures on the reporting of the CSA and Tania Anonuevo, the interventions to CSA survivors.

Participants in the Training/Seminar

The Faculty Members who served as facilitators

The Municipal Building of Pilar