THE PEACE CAFETERIA is the Blog of the DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES of Bicol University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. This blog was set up to serve as posting board for events, news and items of information and interests about the activities, advocacy, and research of the Department of Peace Studies.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Eco-Friendly New Years Resolutions

To each and everyone: HAPPY NEW YEAR. MAY THIS YEAR BRING US RENEWED STRENGTH TO DO WHAT IS BEST FOR EVERYONE! - greetings from the Department of Peace Studies, BU-CSSP.

Candelabra at the Cathedral Cafe, Uppsala Domkyrka, An Ever present Advent Symbol

Consider the following New Year's resolution for an Eco-Friendly Year ahead:

  1. If you are someone who drives your own vehicle daily for work, better consider taking public transportation. This way you will help the world conserve on dwindling gas supply. This will also lighten your own expenses and clear the streets of unnecessary traffic congestion.
  2. If you are someone who uses disposable utensils and paper napkins, why not use porcelain or reusable utensils and cloth napkins? In this way you will help save a hundred trees and prevent the depletion of our natural forest resources. Remember it takes several hundred of years to make a forest grow but it takes only a couple of years to deplete them.
  3. If you are carnivorous, why not try to be vegetarian? In this way you will prevent carcinogen from entering your system.
  4. If you do not practice waste segregation, why not try waste segregation? In this way you will encourage recycling and prevent pollution. You will also teach yourself and others in the home the value of discipline.
  5. If your passion is for branded and fashionable clothes, why not try the "Ukay-ukay"? "Ukay - ukay" [term used in the Philippines to call second hand clothes sold in surplus and second hand stores] as they are found in many second hand stores are also good. These stores sells good, reusable, branded and fashionable clothing. By using Ukay-ukay you will help reduce the production of unnecessary clothing and help reduce consumption of our forest resources from where most fabric are taken. You will also help reduce the production of wastes.
Consider adapting one or all of these suggestions and we shall have a merry new year!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Human Rights Lecture: 60 Years of Human Rights and the Filipino Migrant Workers

Atty. Nieves entertaining questions from the audience. Mr. Patrick Ojano, Moderating the Open Forum.

Atty. Nieves with the Officers of the Senior Class and the Volunteers for Peace

The Lecture-Symposium

Mr. Randolph Roda, The Class senior President

CSSP Faculty members Join University Wide Christmas Program

January 19, 2008. The University celebrated the last day of the anticipated Novena Mass for Christmas on January 19. The College of Engineering and Industrial Technology hosted the event. A get-together party and program was held to promote camaraderie and to foster the Christmas spirit among the faculty members, administration and staff of Bicol University. The event was held at the Gymnasium at the Legazpi II Campus.

The Faculty members of the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy from left: Herbert Rosana, Letty Mata, Rose Frias, Ruby Ann Ayo, Elaine Salazar, Fely Hubilla and Maeng Dineros.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Undergraduate Studies Christmas Break

The students in theUndergraduate program of the Department of Peace Studies went on a picnic to celebrate Christmas. This is also a welcome event and a break from the mind-breaking academic work. To make the even meaningful, the organizers chose an eco-friendly resort that features the beauty of nature. Here are some of the photos.

The Spring Resort's Motif Highlights Nature's Beauty

Shrubs and small trees provide a relaxing atmosphere

The Officers of the Junior Peace Advocates facilitated the "get-together"

The Freshmen, the youngest group in the Department with Dr. Rosana

The pool is certified mountain spring water

The Undergraduate Students of the Department of Peace Studies under the leadership of the Junior Peace Advocates sponsored a Christmas outing for the all the year levels. The students together with their mentors went on a Christmas Break. The officers of the JPA organized a program, games and other forms of amusement. This is indeed a welcome break from the demands and stress of academic work. An "environmentalist" outing was sponsored by the group. The venue of the program speaks of an environmentalist advocacy. Indeed everyone had a merry Christmas. If Christ's birth is an expression of God's love for humankind, then our respect for the environment and care for one another is a way of reciprocating that love that comes from above.

Monday, December 15, 2008

TOPS Global 2008, Uppsala, Sweden

Some of the participants at the Top Level seminar on Peace and Conflict Research administered by the Department of Peace and Conflict Research of Uppsala University, Sweden. November 24, 2008-December 5, 2008. Our participation in this training course was made through the grant provided by the Swedish Government through SIDA. From Left: Gracia Maria Bertrand (Honduras), Herbert B. Rosana (the Philippines), Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Victoria of the Royal House of Sweden, Luly Altruiswaty (Indonesia), Maria Cecilia Costero (Mexico), Veeramalla Anjaiah (Indonesia), and Dal Bahadur KC (Nepal). [Photo belongs to Dr. H. Rosana]. A Picture story related to this was also published in the Jakarta Post by Veeramalla Anjaiah, Editor of the Foreign News department of the Jakarta Post. This training was participated by 25 participants from China, Columbia, Brazil, Indonesia, Nepal, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Sweden.

To see the article of Anjaiah in the Jakarta Post just follow this link.

Here are some more photos:

At the Hotel Conference Room. From Left: Gracia Maria Bertrand (Honduras), Maria Cecilia Costero (Mexico), Juliana Johann (Brazil), and Herbert Rosana (Philippines).

Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Victoria delivering her impressions at the Farewell Dinner at the Uppsala Castle

Socials at the Uppsala Castle from Left: Louise Dinkelspiel (Sweden), Seng Piseth (Cambodia), Helena Grusell (Sweden), Luly Altruiswaty (Indonesia), Mimmi Soderberg-Kovacs (Sweden), Gracia Maria Bertrand (Honduras) and Herbert Rosana (Philippines)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Human Rights Lecture for December 18, 2008

The Senior Class of the Department of Peace Studies is set to sponsor a lecture to be delivered by a representative from the Commission on Human Rights on December 18, 2008 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The theme of the Lecture is on the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and how it relates to the Rights of Filipino Migrant Workers. The issues affecting the Filipino Diaspora and Migrant Workers and their rights will be discussed. Interested persons who wish to attend this lecture must notify the persons in-charge since the College of Education Audiovisual Room can accommodate only as much. Interested persons please contact the following persons at the Departmental office during office hours: Mr. Jay Nuarin, the student assistant working at the department, Ms. Ellen Joy Recato, the President of JPA and Mr. Romulo Federico of the Volunteers for Peace. Venue of the Lecture: Audiovisual Room, College of Education, BU Main Campus, Legazpi City.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

CSSP and BURDC Sponsored Meeting with the National Security Adviser of Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo

The Bicol University on November 13, 2008 in cooperation with the Office of the national Security Adviser sponsored the meeting of the University stakeholders with the Hon. Norberto Gonzales, National Security Adviser of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. The NSA had been visiting state universities and colleges in order to promote dialogue and understanding. This meeting provided Bicol University the opportunity to present its programs and activities to one of the closest adviser of the President of the Philippines. The whole event was sponsored by the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy and the Research and Statistics Center of Bicol University.

From Left: Fay M. Lauraya, the president of Bicol University, Norberto Gonzales, the National Security Adviser, Milo S. Ibrado, Jr. the Senior Deputy General and Helen M. Llenaresas, the Univeristy's Vice-President for Academic Affairs.

Norberto Gonzales, speaking to the Stakeholders of the Bicol University community

The National Security Adviser emphasized the need to promote a "first world thinking" among the Filipinos in order to achieve the development goals set forth by the government. The secretary was able to deliver his message clearly. The open forum resulted in a lively interaction between the Secretary and the audience. Present during the symposium were deans, department heads, professors and students. The secretary provided a witty and yet a positive analysis of the reasons underlying the underdevelopment of the country and offers a solution which he termed "First World Thinking".

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Blessed Holidays to Everyone

November 1 - All Saints Day
November 2 - All Souls Day

Today are important holidays in the Philippines, everyone is visiting their ancestral homes and remembering their departed loved ones. Enjoy your holidays!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Almost Two Years Ago.....

[This Video Clip Belongs to Dr. Herbert R]
Almost a couple of years ago.....
if your PC has a viewer you will be able to view this clip which I have recorded at the height of typhoon Milenyo. This devastating super typhoon wrought havoc to our properties, destroyed livelihood and infrastructure. But the resilience of the Filipinos and the Bikolano people demonstrate that nothing is insurmountable as long as there is faith in the Lord and the willingness to help each other. In less than a year the People of Albay Province was able to spring up from this calamity. Our thanks goes to the Almighty and secondly to the People of Albay and the local leaders.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Encyclopedia of Peace Education

For the information of researchers on peace, there is a very interesting website published by TEACHERS COLLEGE Columbia University, New York. It is an online encyclopedia that provide details about certain topics on Peace Education. The website also provides opportunities for scholars to send in entries or information. Visit the web site at EPE Teachers College Columbia University

Monday, October 20, 2008

E-Registration for Second Semester

All students at the Department of Peace Studies are reminded that the issuance of ADVISING SLIPS for the e-registration will be on October 22-23, 2008. Your clearance papers, settlement of organizational obligations and submission of academic requirements are required prior to issuance of the Advising Slip. You will not be allowed to register without the Slip. Please see Dr. Rosana at the Departmental Office during office hours. Please be punctual.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Adopt a Child for a Day

The BU-CSSP Department of Peace Studies in observance of the month-long celebration of National Peace Consciousness organized a series of activities in order to promote awareness of the need to promote a culture of peace. The Volunteers for Peace, an organization of students in the department sponsored the "Adopt a Child for a Day Project. " The VFP invited a group of Children from Burgos in the Municipality of Daraga in Albay Province. The organization tendered a party for the children. Aside from the party the children were also treated to a story telling time. For this purpose the VFP invited Prof. Marcia Rico of the College of Education and Prof. Ruby Ann Ayo to serve as story tellers. Stories that revolving around the culture of peace were the focal point. Children love to hear stories. This is also a powerful tool of enculturation.

The sponsored children beaming with delight

"Jomar" appears to be the joker in the Group

Dr. Herbert Rosana, together with officers of the VFP and the sponsored Children Posed for a Souvenir Photo

The VFP and the JPA took the responsibility of conveying the Children from Burgos to the Campus and vice-versa

Teacher Ruby engaging the pupils in a conversation

Teacher Ruby with her picture stories

Teacher Marcia leading the pupils in singing

The Story of Teacher Marcia


As customary among Filipinos and indeed a commendable cultural practice, every major activity is preceded by the celebration of a Holy Mass. Taking into consideration that the overwhelming majority of the people are Roman Catholics. The Mass was a Votive Mass for Peace and Justice. The Mass is considered as the Official Prayer of the Church hence its readings and rituals are regulated by a common book known as Missal. The norms of the Church allows for a special Mass where a specific intention is specified.

The Congregation of Students and Faculty Members attentively listens to the First Reading.

The third year students from the Social Work Department volunteered to serve as our Choir. Indeed their presence saved us from a Mass without a Choir. The choir enhances the beauty and dignity of the Mass

Our Mass Celebrant, Fr. Steve Loria, SOLT

The Congregation

The 7th Regional Peace Forum

This year's Regional Peace Forum though not having the big bang as it used to be, convened with a topic very much relevant to the needs of the Bicol Region. Not only of the Bicol Region but of the Nation and the World as well. This year's theme centered on the THE TECHNOLOGICAL INFRASTRUCTURE TO ALLEVIATE THE EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE. This forum was sponsored by the Junior Peace Advocates and the Volunteers for Peace.

The venue of the Forum was at the Arcilla Hall of the BU Daraga Campus.

In behalf of Dr. Rosemarie T. Frias, Dean of the College of Social Sciences, Prof. Amelita Bello, the CSSP's Assistant Dean introduced the Resource Person.

Dr. Eriberta Nepomuceno, Professor V of the Gradaute School captured the attention of the students and the participatns as she discussed the importance of understanding the nature of climate change and the technological alternatives that could be applied to cope with the adverse effect of climate change. She commended the Government of Albay for spearheading climate change adaptation as one of its banner program.

Dr. Nepomuceno, stressing a point in response to a question from a participant.

Dr. Rosana, seen here making some clarifications regarding the efforts of the Department of Peace Studies to promote peace education and reported on the progress of its networking activities in order to develop Peace Education and make BU a leader in the field of Peace Education.

Pecos Intia, standing, presented the efforts of the City Government of Legazpi to promote environmental security. Furthermore Mr. Intia stressed that the city government made the excellent job of tapping local and national resources to cope with the effects of the past two devastating typhoons that ravaged the Bicol Region. While Mr. Levi Quitasol, of the Social Action Center of the Diocese of Legazpi, discussed the spiritual dimension of climate change and the ethical side of it.

The Keynote Speaker and the Resource Persons, posed for a Photo-op.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Religious Discrimination Contributes to RP Conflicts says a Report

"The US Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor made this assessment in its International Religious Freedom Report 2008, dated Sept. 19 but posted on the US Embassy website Wednesday.

The report said that despite religious freedom in the Philippines, Muslims still complain “that the Government has not made sufficient efforts to promote their economic development.”

Read More on this....

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


September 11 Photo from NPS

In Memoriam, Eternal Rest grant unto them O Lord and Let thy perpetual light shine upon them



Bicol Univerity 39th Foundation Anniversary

Happy 39th Anniversary to Bicol University - From the BAPS Family!

Saturday, September 06, 2008


The First Peace Education Capability Building Seminar for Teachers and Instructors was concluded with positive comments from the participants. The participants came from various Bicol Provinces. In particular we had participants from Masbate, Sorsogon, Albay, Camarines Norte and Camarines Sur. At the end of the seminar each group were given the chance to express their reaction. The participants requested that in the future more of this kind of trainings should be held.

The Opening Ceremony, from Left: Dr. Fay M. Lauraya, Usec Pedro Cesar Ramboanga, Peace Officer V Emily Lambio and Dr. Rosemarie T. Frias.

A Participant from the Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges making a point in one of the sessions

Economic Specialist Ms Rosemarie Buan interacting with a participant during the sessions.

Dr. Herbert Rosana, handling one of the sessions on Contextualizing Peace. The session he handled provided the respondents the chance to conceptualize peace and contextualize it in the realities of the present.

Prof. Marcia Rico conducting the Demonstration Lessons

BSED Students served as demonstration class for the Peace Integration Lessons

BSED Students Performing a Role Play

The Workshop Sessions

Prof. Flor A. Jenkin on evaluating lesson plans

Teachers from the Libon Agro Industrial High School Receiving their Certificates of Participation

Demonstration-Lecture of Prof. Rico

Prof. Joy Ninofranco and Prof. Tanya Lana of BUCSSP as participants to the Training Sessions

Prof. Marcia Rico, our demonstration Teacher

Prof. Asuncion R. Mirabueno conducted a demonstration lesson