THE PEACE CAFETERIA is the Blog of the DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES of Bicol University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. This blog was set up to serve as posting board for events, news and items of information and interests about the activities, advocacy, and research of the Department of Peace Studies.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A Vision for the Peace Studies Program


Prepared by: Dr. Herbert B. Rosana, Chair, Peace Studies Program


Bicol University is one the few universities in the Philippines and even Southeast-Asia that has pioneered a program in Peace Education. BU’s involvement in Peace Education started in 1993 when the university accepted the challenge posed by the International Association of University Presidents (IAUP), of which BU was a member, to integrate peace studies in its curricular offerings. The Bicol University in due time responded by conceiving degree programs to cater to the Peace Studies curriculum ranging from the B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. degrees. Aside from these degree programs BU pioneered a basic education program known as the Early and Late Childhood Education Program. The university has also developed a strong partnership with other agencies of the Government in the promotion of its Peace Studies Program. The Peace Studies program was grounded in the needs of the global community as articulated by the different declarations of the United Nations. Moreover, the Philippine Process has been an enduring theme in the curricular programs of the Department of Peace Studies.

To date the department has produced professionals and provided professional education to a number of people occupying positions of importance and people whose services are vital for the need of society. To date there importance of peace education remains a reality. This need was reflected in various policies and programs of past Philippine Administration. Of most recent the administration of President Arroyo has articulated the importance of peace education through the following issuances:

1. Executive Order dated 26 September 2006 highlighting the importance of the Peace Education Teaching Exemplars as developed by the OPAPP in commemoration of the 2nd National Peace Consciousness Month.

2. Executive Order 570 which calls for the institutionalization of the Peace Education in basic Education and in Teacher Education institution in order to achieve a comprehensive and lasting peace.

3. Executive Order No. 3, s. 2001

4. Agenda no. 9 of Medium Term Philippine Development Plan.

There are three very important documents that will serve as basis for the Peace Studies Program of BU and of re-defining its relevance to National and Regional development needs. These are:

1. Agenda 21. Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment. The Philippines is signatory to this document and has the obligation to fulfill its obligations.

2. Medium Term Philippine Development Plan 2004-2010.

3. Medium term Bicol Regional Development Plan 2004-2010

4. The Albay Declaration on Climate Change Adaptation.

The Challenge

With the pressing fast-phased changing development needs there is a need to make the Peace Education relevant to Bicol Development and to National Development in the context of a globalization. The following are the major challenges:

1. Curricular revision of the B.A. Course in order to provide future professionals the knowledge, skills and attitudes/mental dispositions needed in order address the peace, conflict situation and development needs of the region and of the country.

2. Translating the accumulated knowledge into the educative process which is the main function of the University, with emphasis on how to translate this to the basic education curriculum and to the training of future teachers who will be the leaders in the teaching of Peace Concepts and of teaching the young to deal with conflict problems in the most peaceful and creative way.

3. Conducting researches that address the peace, conflict and development needs of the nation and the region.

4. Evolving extension projects in consonance with the stated challenges above.

5. Promote Interdisciplinary programs and projects in peace education, drawing together the various and relevant disciplines/departments of the University, as well as linkages and cooperation through MOUs with external agencies and organizations.

6. Provision of a coherent and relevant definition of Peace Education.

Conceptual Framework and Provisional Definition of Peace Education for Bicol University.

Peace Education has many definition and they varied according to time, emphasis and needs of every particular situation. It was said that the meaning of peace education becomes relevant when it is contextualize according to the needs of the region. Based on the past experience of Bicol University in Peace Studies and on current need the following provisional definition for peace education will become the basis:

Peace Education is an attempt to provide a creative response to the problems of Peace, Order, Conflict, and violence through the educative process (Curriculum/Instruction, Research and Extension). Moreover, Peace Education as a process and endeavor will aim to address Peace in a more comprehensive manner that takes into account factors that are considered important in ensuring Human Security. Furthermore Peace Education will seek to address the factors, structural systems that contribute to violence. And these ranges from Human and Non Human factors such as sustainable development and Climate Change.

The proponent assumes the fact that conflict is a natural feature of social and structural change / evolution. As such the process of change can take shape in many ways depending on how it is address. Thus the human factor in this change is the ability of individual persons and groups / organizations to creative address changes that mitigates adverse effects and avoids the destructive effects of violent conflict. Conflicts can be transformed creatively in a sense that it achieves the desired positive outcome.

Development concerns, adverse effect of climate change, poverty, underdevelopment, insurgency and unequal distribution of resources and access to these resources are challenges facing Bicol Region and the country. The Peace Studies program of Bicol University can help address these concerns through its Instruction, Research, and Extension and Production functions.

These concepts can summarily be articulated and put into action based on the following VGMO:


Vision. As An Academic Department within the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, the department sees itself as an institution and contributor to the Integral Development of the Bicol Region, through its Curricular/Instructional programs, research, extension and production activities in line with Peace Studies and in pursuit of BU’s goal of bringing the university closer to the community.

Mission. The Mission of the Department of Peace Studies is to develop competent professionals who will respond to the Peace Concerns of the region and the country in the context of globalization and to promote Peace Education, through its mandated functions of Instruction, Research, Extension and Production.


1. Institutionalize peace education through curriculum development, faculty training, and student development programs;

2. Promote the integration of peace concepts, conflict resolution strategies, and creative conflict transformation in the basic education curriculum;

3. To be a lead institution in the promotion of an interagency consortium for peace education.

4. To address the micro and macro causes of conflict in Bicol and underdevelopment of Bicol through its research and extension projects.

5. Produce training and instructional materials on peace education and conflict resolution;

6. Train Education Professionals and other peace related professionals.

7. Maintain a pool of experts who are competent in instruction, research and extension;

8. Produce professionals who are competent in the field of peace studies, conflict resolution and research.

9. Establish network and institutional cooperation with NGOs and GOs in the promotion of Peace

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