THE PEACE CAFETERIA is the Blog of the DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES of Bicol University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. This blog was set up to serve as posting board for events, news and items of information and interests about the activities, advocacy, and research of the Department of Peace Studies.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Eco-Friendly New Years Resolutions

To each and everyone: HAPPY NEW YEAR. MAY THIS YEAR BRING US RENEWED STRENGTH TO DO WHAT IS BEST FOR EVERYONE! - greetings from the Department of Peace Studies, BU-CSSP.

Candelabra at the Cathedral Cafe, Uppsala Domkyrka, An Ever present Advent Symbol

Consider the following New Year's resolution for an Eco-Friendly Year ahead:

  1. If you are someone who drives your own vehicle daily for work, better consider taking public transportation. This way you will help the world conserve on dwindling gas supply. This will also lighten your own expenses and clear the streets of unnecessary traffic congestion.
  2. If you are someone who uses disposable utensils and paper napkins, why not use porcelain or reusable utensils and cloth napkins? In this way you will help save a hundred trees and prevent the depletion of our natural forest resources. Remember it takes several hundred of years to make a forest grow but it takes only a couple of years to deplete them.
  3. If you are carnivorous, why not try to be vegetarian? In this way you will prevent carcinogen from entering your system.
  4. If you do not practice waste segregation, why not try waste segregation? In this way you will encourage recycling and prevent pollution. You will also teach yourself and others in the home the value of discipline.
  5. If your passion is for branded and fashionable clothes, why not try the "Ukay-ukay"? "Ukay - ukay" [term used in the Philippines to call second hand clothes sold in surplus and second hand stores] as they are found in many second hand stores are also good. These stores sells good, reusable, branded and fashionable clothing. By using Ukay-ukay you will help reduce the production of unnecessary clothing and help reduce consumption of our forest resources from where most fabric are taken. You will also help reduce the production of wastes.
Consider adapting one or all of these suggestions and we shall have a merry new year!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Human Rights Lecture: 60 Years of Human Rights and the Filipino Migrant Workers

Atty. Nieves entertaining questions from the audience. Mr. Patrick Ojano, Moderating the Open Forum.

Atty. Nieves with the Officers of the Senior Class and the Volunteers for Peace

The Lecture-Symposium

Mr. Randolph Roda, The Class senior President

CSSP Faculty members Join University Wide Christmas Program

January 19, 2008. The University celebrated the last day of the anticipated Novena Mass for Christmas on January 19. The College of Engineering and Industrial Technology hosted the event. A get-together party and program was held to promote camaraderie and to foster the Christmas spirit among the faculty members, administration and staff of Bicol University. The event was held at the Gymnasium at the Legazpi II Campus.

The Faculty members of the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy from left: Herbert Rosana, Letty Mata, Rose Frias, Ruby Ann Ayo, Elaine Salazar, Fely Hubilla and Maeng Dineros.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Undergraduate Studies Christmas Break

The students in theUndergraduate program of the Department of Peace Studies went on a picnic to celebrate Christmas. This is also a welcome event and a break from the mind-breaking academic work. To make the even meaningful, the organizers chose an eco-friendly resort that features the beauty of nature. Here are some of the photos.

The Spring Resort's Motif Highlights Nature's Beauty

Shrubs and small trees provide a relaxing atmosphere

The Officers of the Junior Peace Advocates facilitated the "get-together"

The Freshmen, the youngest group in the Department with Dr. Rosana

The pool is certified mountain spring water

The Undergraduate Students of the Department of Peace Studies under the leadership of the Junior Peace Advocates sponsored a Christmas outing for the all the year levels. The students together with their mentors went on a Christmas Break. The officers of the JPA organized a program, games and other forms of amusement. This is indeed a welcome break from the demands and stress of academic work. An "environmentalist" outing was sponsored by the group. The venue of the program speaks of an environmentalist advocacy. Indeed everyone had a merry Christmas. If Christ's birth is an expression of God's love for humankind, then our respect for the environment and care for one another is a way of reciprocating that love that comes from above.

Monday, December 15, 2008

TOPS Global 2008, Uppsala, Sweden

Some of the participants at the Top Level seminar on Peace and Conflict Research administered by the Department of Peace and Conflict Research of Uppsala University, Sweden. November 24, 2008-December 5, 2008. Our participation in this training course was made through the grant provided by the Swedish Government through SIDA. From Left: Gracia Maria Bertrand (Honduras), Herbert B. Rosana (the Philippines), Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Victoria of the Royal House of Sweden, Luly Altruiswaty (Indonesia), Maria Cecilia Costero (Mexico), Veeramalla Anjaiah (Indonesia), and Dal Bahadur KC (Nepal). [Photo belongs to Dr. H. Rosana]. A Picture story related to this was also published in the Jakarta Post by Veeramalla Anjaiah, Editor of the Foreign News department of the Jakarta Post. This training was participated by 25 participants from China, Columbia, Brazil, Indonesia, Nepal, the Philippines, Sri Lanka and Sweden.

To see the article of Anjaiah in the Jakarta Post just follow this link.

Here are some more photos:

At the Hotel Conference Room. From Left: Gracia Maria Bertrand (Honduras), Maria Cecilia Costero (Mexico), Juliana Johann (Brazil), and Herbert Rosana (Philippines).

Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Victoria delivering her impressions at the Farewell Dinner at the Uppsala Castle

Socials at the Uppsala Castle from Left: Louise Dinkelspiel (Sweden), Seng Piseth (Cambodia), Helena Grusell (Sweden), Luly Altruiswaty (Indonesia), Mimmi Soderberg-Kovacs (Sweden), Gracia Maria Bertrand (Honduras) and Herbert Rosana (Philippines)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Human Rights Lecture for December 18, 2008

The Senior Class of the Department of Peace Studies is set to sponsor a lecture to be delivered by a representative from the Commission on Human Rights on December 18, 2008 from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The theme of the Lecture is on the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and how it relates to the Rights of Filipino Migrant Workers. The issues affecting the Filipino Diaspora and Migrant Workers and their rights will be discussed. Interested persons who wish to attend this lecture must notify the persons in-charge since the College of Education Audiovisual Room can accommodate only as much. Interested persons please contact the following persons at the Departmental office during office hours: Mr. Jay Nuarin, the student assistant working at the department, Ms. Ellen Joy Recato, the President of JPA and Mr. Romulo Federico of the Volunteers for Peace. Venue of the Lecture: Audiovisual Room, College of Education, BU Main Campus, Legazpi City.