THE PEACE CAFETERIA is the Blog of the DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES of Bicol University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. This blog was set up to serve as posting board for events, news and items of information and interests about the activities, advocacy, and research of the Department of Peace Studies.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The College of Social Sciences and Philosophy Celebrated its 4th Foundation Anniversary on January 27, 2009

The College of Social Sciences and Philosophy celebrated its 4th foundation anniversary on January 27, 2009. The College of Social Sciences and Philosophy was created out of the old and prestigious College of Arts and Sciences of Bicol University. The College of Arts and Sciences used to be one of the prestigious colleges of the University which include disciplines such as Political Science, Accountancy, Management, Sociology, Social Work, Entrepreneurship, Economics and Peace Studies. Four years ago however the University implemented the Comprehensive Development Plan and one of the plan was to create two new colleges out of the College of Arts and Sciences. Out of the old CAS emerged two new colleges, - the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP) and the College of Business, Economics and Management (CBEM). The former included four Degree programs in Peace Studies, Political Science, Social Work, Sociology and Applied Philosophy. Aside from this the CSSP is a also a service college offereing courses in Humanities and Philosophy that serves the basic education requirements of other colleges. Today from the old College of Arts and Sciences the New College stands ready to take on the legacy and define its own identity in Bicol University. Bicol University is a multi-discipline University with excellent programs in Teacher Education, Sciences, Social Work Engineering and Accountancy.

The students of the Peace Studies Department participated in the workshop-exhibit to highlight the achievements of the College. It is a well known fact that majority, that is 70% of the Peace Studies majors are males. This is a male dominated department in terms of number of enrollees. Many of the viewers in the workshop commented that the presentation was too manly. However, here in the department we are trying to debunk the assumption that males are prone to violent behavior. The fact that Peace Majors are commended for their friendliness, gentle and well-mannered behavior is a testimony to the fact that males together with the females can be partners in the promotion of a culture of Peace. After all peaceful or violent disposition is more of a cultural thing. Here at the Department we are promoting peaceful and non-violent means of resolving conflict.

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