THE PEACE CAFETERIA is the Blog of the DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES of Bicol University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. This blog was set up to serve as posting board for events, news and items of information and interests about the activities, advocacy, and research of the Department of Peace Studies.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Caramoan: BAPS Students on Field Research Practicum

April 30, 2009 - May 7, 2009 - The Junior Undergraduate students of the department went on their field practicum to gather data for their research project and at the same to interact with the community in Caramoan, Camarines Sur, Philippines. Recently, Caramoan had been the subject of ecotourism lovers because of its pristine coral islets and white sand beaches. If one wants to see a place unspoiled yet by commercial tourism one has to visit Caramoan. I would guess tht most of us have read reviews and articles about Caramoan. Our students went to Caramoan to describe and explore the events and issues from the context of Human Security, Sustainability, and poverty eradication theories. Tourism had been identified as a strategy for poverty alleviation or eradication. The Caramoan Peninsula and Bicol in particular is rich in natural resources and scenic places. While we seek economic development, we also seek social development. There should be a balance between meeting our needs and at the same time conserving our resources not only for the present generation but for the future. The papers of the students are still in the making so for now allow us to share with you some photos. However once the paper has been presented we will publish the ablstract on this blog.

The Municipal Building. Our young researchers in the making take their pose for this photo session.

We had a lively interview with the mayor, Constantino H. Cordial jr.

The young men of the group in front of the brick church

Even in a place so remote like Caramoan, the presence of the Church is always felt. One would wonder how a remote place like caramoan would have a magnificent Brick Church like this. This is a testament to the faith of the People of Caramoan and their love for God and the Church. This Church was built by the Catholic Missionaries some two centuries ago, who ventured in these islands to evangelize the people.

This is downtown Caramoan. Caramoan is a small town actually.

The white sand and coral islets

Is this paradise on earth?

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