THE PEACE CAFETERIA is the Blog of the DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES of Bicol University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. This blog was set up to serve as posting board for events, news and items of information and interests about the activities, advocacy, and research of the Department of Peace Studies.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


The Department of Peace Studies congratulates the following BAPS students who passed the exam for PO1 administered by the National Police Commission:

1. Kenneth J. Loterina
2. Ralph Ryan Tamano
3. August Ryan Ombao
4. Jennifer Bacudio
5. Kevin B. Capino


The Bicol Consortium for Peace Education and Development (BCPED), as part of the continuing implementation of the SPEAR-Bicol Project held the third component of the project namely the Peace Research Agenda Setting on November 9-10, 2010 at Casablanca Hotel, Legazpi City. 

The SPEAR-Bicol, the acronym for Strengthening Peace Education and Advocacy in the Region of Bicol is a project of the BCPED funded by the UNDP whose objective is to promote and mainstream Peace Education in Bicol Region.  This project has three components, (1) Capability Building, whose main objective is to train a pool of resource persons to support the mainstreaming of peace education, (2) The pilot school of peace using the total school approach in promoting peace education at the school level, and (3) the research agenda setting.  The main objective of the peace research agenda setting is to identify the priority areas for research along peace education.  The BCPED is made up of the following institutions/organizations in Bicol namely, Bicol University, Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges, Catanduanes State Colleges, Sorsogon State College, University of Nueva Caceres, Universidad de Santa Isabel, Commission on Higher Education-V, Department of Education-V, Philippine Information Agency-V, Social Action Center of the Diocese of Legazpi, NEDA-V and OPAB.

The workshop was attended by representatives from member institutions and even non-member institutions also participated namely Partido State University, Camarines Norte State College, Aquinas University and Divine Word College of Legazpi.   Dr. Fay M. Lauraya, President of Bicol University and Chair of the BCPED in capsule discussed the developmental needs of Bicol Region, underscoring the strengths of the Bicolano, the potentials and possibilities.  Dr. Herbert Rosana, Director of BCPED gave an overview for the information of non-members and the rest about the objectives of the BCPED and how it was organized.  Dr. Belen Azul of CHED-V gave the inspirational message.  Prof. Michael Montealegre of the the CHED-BU Zonal Research Center provided an overview of the research thrusts of the CHED-BU Zonal Research Center while Prof. Ida Revale served as the lead facilitator of the training.  May Alta from NEDA-V provided the development orientation of the new administration.  A resource person from the Commission on Human Rights presented the human rights situationer in Bicol.  The workshop identified five major areas for research namely, Human Security, Environment, Social Services, Peace Education, Governance and Networking.  Dir. Rolly Asuncion of OPAPP provided the overview of the new thrusts of the incoming administration as far as peace is concerned.

Merry Christmas from Bicol University

Merry Christmas to Everyone from The Department of Peace Studies and the Bicol Consortium for Peace Education and Development (BCPED)

The Proud Symbols of the University: the Four Pillars of Scholarship, Leadership, Character and Service.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010


After several sessions of symposium on human rights, the Department of Peace Studies under the leadership of Dr. Rosana culminated the celebration of human rights with poster making to highlight the importance of respect for human rights.  Here are some of the photos.  The students displayed their posters within the vicinity of Arcilla Hall

Friday, December 10, 2010

Symposium: Comabating Enforced Disappearance: A Social Concern

The Bicol Consortium for Peace Education and Development (BCPED) in cooperation with the Families of Victims of Enforced Disappearance (FIND) sponsored a symposium on Combating Enforced Disappearance.  The symposium was held on December 8, 2010, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:noon at the Arcilla Hall, Bicol University Daraga Campus.  The students of the Department of Peace Studies, together with the officers of the Junior Peace Advocates (JPA) provided the support services for the symposium.

Ms. Wilma Tizon Presenting FIND'S advocacy

The symposium was attended by members of various sectors, from the Commission on Human Rights, the Philippine National Police, and representatives from the 901st Infantry Battalion.  Students from the College of Arts and Letters, Political Science Department and Peace Studies Department participated in the said symposium.  Members of families of the disappeared also participated in the symposium.  The activities included a documentary showing, speeches and campaign for the passage of the bill on anti-enforced disappearance.  The symposium added color to the Department of Peace Studies celebration of Human Rights Week.

Ms. Wilma Tizon, Secretary General of FIND, Ms. Nilda Lagman Sevilla, Co-Chairperson of FIND and Dr. Herbert B. Rosana, Director of the Bicol Consortium for Peace Education and Development (BCPED)
The Participants

The Officers of the JPA who volunteered to serve at the registration.

The Busy "bodies", people behind the scenes who make things happen. These are the officers of the Junior Peace Advocates (JPA)


On December 3, 2010, the ANDUROG KAN DERECHOS an umbrella organization created to deal with Extra-Legal Killings and enforced disappearance in Legazpi City sponsored a symposium on the issues surrounding ELK.  Among the speakers invited were Professor Carlos Medina, Director of the Ateneo Human Rights Center and the director of the CHR and an undersecretary.  The symposium was held at the Bicol University Amphitheater, in Legazpi City, Philippines.

The Department of Peace Studies actively participated in said activity.  The Symposium was also supported by the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Philippine Peace Process (OPAPP).

Dr. Herbert Rosana together with student participants from Bicol University.

Fr. Ramonsito Segubiense, Executive Director of the Social Action Center of the Diocese of Legazpi and the Director of the Andurog kan Derechos

Thursday, December 02, 2010

UPCOMING EVENT: Symposium on Anti-Enforced Disappearance Bill

The Bicol Consortium for Peace Education and Development (BCPED), the Bicol University (BU), the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) and the main sponsor the Families of Victims of Involuntary Disappearance (FIND) will hold a symposium on the proposed bill on Anti-Enforced Disappearance Bill on December 8, 2010 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 n.n. at the Arcilla Hall, Department of Peace Studies, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, Bicol University Daraga Campus.  

Friday, November 05, 2010

UPCOMING EVENTS: Para Legal Training For Human Rights Workers

The Andurog kan Derechos will hold a paralegal training for Human Rights workers on November 16-18, 2010 at Puerto Vista Santo Domingo, Albay.  Said training is part of the capacity building component for service providers of Andurog kan Derechos. It is aimed at developing the knowledge and practical skills in paralegal work of community-based human rights workers in relation to Extralegal Killings, Enforced Disappearances and other related violence. At the end of the training, it is expected from the participants to make use and impart their knowledge and skills at the parish/community level.

UPCOMING EVENT: Bicol Peace Research Agenda Setting

The Scenic Mayon Volcano in Legazpi City.  From Casablanca Hotel one has a Perfect View 
of this Beautiful and impressive natural landmark

The BICOL CONSORTIUM FOR PEACE EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT (BCPED) in cooperation with the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP) and UNDP will hold the Peace Research Agenda Setting.  The objective of this activity is to identify key areas for research involving peace education and development.  This will be participated by a group of 25 participants from the members of the BCPED and other organizations.  Facilitators and resource persons will come from various agencies of the government.  This will be held at Casablanca Hotel, Legazpi City, November 9-10, 2010.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


The Department of Peace Studies as represented by Dr. Herbert Rosana and together with the students attendedthe first anniversary of the "Andurog kan Derechos".  The Andurog is a Multi-Response Team on Extra-Legal Killing.  This one intervention of which the Department has committed itself.

The Celebration was capped with a Holy Mass

Dr. Herbert Rosana with the 3rd Year Peace Studies Majors

The Program

8:00 – 9:00 AM           ------     Radio Guesting
(DWBS Radio Veritas- Boses kan Masses)
Ø  Speakers: Fr. Ramoncito Segubiense (SAC), Atty. Hanil Almoguera (CHR), Pros. Ma. Teresa Mahiwo (OPP), representative from Ateneo Human Rights Center

(*To be attended by the member-institutions, community representatives, media, academe)

9:00 – 11:00                ------     Opening Program
Ø  Preliminaries
·         Opening Prayer
·         National Anthem
·         Opening and Welcome Remarks
·         Acknowledgment of Participants

Ø  Talk: Human Rights Situationnaire
               (The Extra Legal Killing and Enforced
               Disappearances Phenomenon) – Atty. Patricia Cervantes
          Open Forum
       Talk: The Andurog kan Derechos
          Open Forum
       Talk: “Spirituality of Human Rights” - Fr. Rex Paul Arjona

11:00 – 12:00 NN       ------     Eucharistic Celebration

12:00 – 1:00 PM         ------     L U N C H


(*To be attended by Heads of member-institutions and/or their official representative)

 1:00 PM                     ------     Business meeting

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

PEACE Department Celebrated Month of Peace

The entire motorcade was led by the officers of the Junior Peace Advocates.

THE DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES of the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy of Bicol University, celebrated the month of Peace with series of activities.  On September 6, 2010 the Department as spearheaded by the Junior Peace Advocates held a motorcade within the vicinity of Legazpi City and the Municipality of Daraga, Albay.  The objective of the motorcade was to make the people of Legazpi aware that September is the national peace consciousness month.  

The entire experience was enjoyable for all the students of the Department.  The activity was supported by the student body and everyone was excited to join.  wearing the departmental t-shirts the students proudly shouted slogans of peace.  They carried with then white and blue balloons, the traditional colors for peace.  After the motorcade many students gave us the feed back that the entire activity was a resounding success. 

Aside from the motorcade the Junior Peace Advocates extended the awareness campaign through their adopted baragay (village) of Anislag.  They sponsored at least 20 pre-school children and toddlers.  The treated the youngsters and their mothers to a feast of story-telling, party and games.  The peace themes of this activity were aimed at highlighting the importance of peace.

Story Telling Time

The children were treated to party and games.

Dr. Herbert Rosana welcoming the children.

The sponsored children and their parents posed with the Department Chair and the officers of the Junior Peace Advocates for a photo-ops. 

The officers of the Junior Peace Advocates with the students of the Department bid farewell to their sponsored children.

The whole celebration of the Month of September as the month of peace was capped with the 9TH REGIONAL PEACE FORUM.  The theme for this year's forum centered on peace, development and good governance.  The symposium was held at the South Ocean Villa Restaurant in down town Legazpi City.  September 27, 2010, from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm.

There was also the Cultural Nights sponsored by the Juniors.  It was the gala night.  RSVP.  The students found this as good opportunity to showcase their talents in artistic productions.

Friday, July 16, 2010

What Leadership and Service Means

This morning as I attended the induction program of the Student Council of the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, I was given the surprise task of pitching in for the dean of student services to deliver a message who cannot be present due to some important business .  Being the adviser of the student council I was duty-bound to obey.  I was thinking what appropriate message could I give these young people.  I was reminded of the parable in gospels and I thought that these would be a good sounding board for a message.  After the customary greetings and acknowledgement I proceeded with briefly narrating the three episodes in the gospel: (1) the parable of the workmen who were invited by the master to work in his vineyard.  The first group acceded to the invitation but the other refuse.  But the one who refused later on changed his mind and proceeded to work, while the those who said yes neglected to fulfill their promise.  Who would receive the reward then?  (2) The parable of the workmen who were invited at different times of the day yet received the same wages after the end of the day. and (3) the parable of the King who prepared a feast and invited important people and yet failed to come.  Instead invited the people on the street.  But was enraged to find one who attended but was not appropriately dressed.

Drawing some lessons on the parable SERVICE is (1) the servant leader is one who acts on good intentions not the one who makes a promise and breaks the promise. (2) servant leadership does not count the time and works on tasks with dedication. and (3) as Leaders it is important that the one who promises to lead must have the necessary preparations.

I think that with the short pep talk I was able to deliver a message of inspiration.

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Thanks po Madam Jean for everything you have done for our Peace Studies Program in Bicol University.  The short time that we have known you have been meaningful to us.  Have we known you long before we could have involved you with our Peace Studies Program.  I have not seen anyone as passionate and dedicated for the cause of Peace than Madam Jean Llorin.  She was humble and self effacing but very engaging in our workshops and trainings.  We will miss you po. and We know that you are blessed where you are now.  See you at the break of dawn in Eternal Life.  May you rest in peace.  To the family and loved ones of Madam Llorin we extend our condolences and we share your grief and sense of loss.  Let the peace of our Lord be your consolation in at this time.  - From Dr. Herbert Rosana, the Faculty Members, the staff and the Students of the DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES, Bicol University, Legazpi City.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Peace Studies Summer Field Research 2010 Commences

Summer Field Research Class 2010.  Instructor:  Dr. Herbert B. Rosana, Associate Professor of Peace Studies

The Junior class went for their field research practicum on May 30, 2010 up to July 4, 2010.  The theme of this summer's field research was centered on Building Secured Communities.  The analytical framework for this project is based on the concepts developed by UNDP on Human Security.  The venue for their field practicum were three villages or barangays from Legazpi City, namely, Bangquerohan, Lamba and Gogon.  They are expected to come up with a research paper.  The design of the study is qualitative.