THE PEACE CAFETERIA is the Blog of the DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES of Bicol University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. This blog was set up to serve as posting board for events, news and items of information and interests about the activities, advocacy, and research of the Department of Peace Studies.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Symposium: Comabating Enforced Disappearance: A Social Concern

The Bicol Consortium for Peace Education and Development (BCPED) in cooperation with the Families of Victims of Enforced Disappearance (FIND) sponsored a symposium on Combating Enforced Disappearance.  The symposium was held on December 8, 2010, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:noon at the Arcilla Hall, Bicol University Daraga Campus.  The students of the Department of Peace Studies, together with the officers of the Junior Peace Advocates (JPA) provided the support services for the symposium.

Ms. Wilma Tizon Presenting FIND'S advocacy

The symposium was attended by members of various sectors, from the Commission on Human Rights, the Philippine National Police, and representatives from the 901st Infantry Battalion.  Students from the College of Arts and Letters, Political Science Department and Peace Studies Department participated in the said symposium.  Members of families of the disappeared also participated in the symposium.  The activities included a documentary showing, speeches and campaign for the passage of the bill on anti-enforced disappearance.  The symposium added color to the Department of Peace Studies celebration of Human Rights Week.

Ms. Wilma Tizon, Secretary General of FIND, Ms. Nilda Lagman Sevilla, Co-Chairperson of FIND and Dr. Herbert B. Rosana, Director of the Bicol Consortium for Peace Education and Development (BCPED)
The Participants

The Officers of the JPA who volunteered to serve at the registration.

The Busy "bodies", people behind the scenes who make things happen. These are the officers of the Junior Peace Advocates (JPA)


clear screen said...

thank you once again to everyone who helped make the symposium a success. i do hope that it was just the beginning of a worthwhile collaboration between BCPED and FIND toward the attainment of a society where human rights are protected, promoted and fulfilled.

The Island Gypsy said...

thanks for the gracious comments