THE PEACE CAFETERIA is the Blog of the DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES of Bicol University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. This blog was set up to serve as posting board for events, news and items of information and interests about the activities, advocacy, and research of the Department of Peace Studies.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


The Department of Peace Studies, (Faculty Members and Students) condoles with the family of Krizel Mae Arellano (December 8, 1994-August 24, 2012).  Krizel is a 2nd year student of BAPS who died in a tragic vehicular accident on August 24, 2012 in Camalig, Albay.  She is from Jovellar, Albay.  Let us pray for the peace of her soul.

The Faculty members and students of the Department paid their last respects to Krizel.

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