THE PEACE CAFETERIA is the Blog of the DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES of Bicol University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. This blog was set up to serve as posting board for events, news and items of information and interests about the activities, advocacy, and research of the Department of Peace Studies.

Friday, November 28, 2014

Book Reading at San Isidro Elementary School

This is my third time to be invited to read at a reading project in San Isidro Elementary School - The School of Peace. I have no experience nor training at teaching young children but to me reaching out to these kids and interacting with them is a rewarding experience. To encourage and inspire them to love books. I will always cherish these moments, and on the other hand it gives me a respite from the pressures of my work at the University. It takes no special training to interact with kids, only commons sense and more TLC (tender loving care). Good luck San Isidro Elementary School see you again next year.

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