THE PEACE CAFETERIA is the Blog of the DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES of Bicol University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. This blog was set up to serve as posting board for events, news and items of information and interests about the activities, advocacy, and research of the Department of Peace Studies.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

JPA Donates Office Equipment as Output of Fund Drive

The Junior Peace Advocates (JPA), the undergraduate students' organization of the Department of Peace Studies donated office equipment to the department in support of the academic activities undertaken by the Faculty and the student leaders. Once again the JPA has demonstrated the value of volunteerism and pro-active response-ability. These equipment will indeed make the lives of students better and help improve the work in the department. Foremost, the staffers of the Peace Oddesy will benefit from these and it will make their work easier. Thanks to the cooperation of everyone involved.

The JPA Officers with their mentors presenting their donated equipment as a result of their fund drive. from Left: Dr. Herbert Rosana, the head of the department, Ellen Joy Recato, the President of the JPA, Jay Nuarin, our every ready student assistant, and Mr. Engelbert Reolo, instructor.

Two sets of Electric Fans, these will help augment the existing fans to help improve air circulation in the classrooms.

A Desktop Computer for the Staffers of the Peace Odessy

Printer with scanner

Multi-Media Projector

Trash Bins

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The College of Social Sciences and Philosophy Celebrated its 4th Foundation Anniversary on January 27, 2009

The College of Social Sciences and Philosophy celebrated its 4th foundation anniversary on January 27, 2009. The College of Social Sciences and Philosophy was created out of the old and prestigious College of Arts and Sciences of Bicol University. The College of Arts and Sciences used to be one of the prestigious colleges of the University which include disciplines such as Political Science, Accountancy, Management, Sociology, Social Work, Entrepreneurship, Economics and Peace Studies. Four years ago however the University implemented the Comprehensive Development Plan and one of the plan was to create two new colleges out of the College of Arts and Sciences. Out of the old CAS emerged two new colleges, - the College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP) and the College of Business, Economics and Management (CBEM). The former included four Degree programs in Peace Studies, Political Science, Social Work, Sociology and Applied Philosophy. Aside from this the CSSP is a also a service college offereing courses in Humanities and Philosophy that serves the basic education requirements of other colleges. Today from the old College of Arts and Sciences the New College stands ready to take on the legacy and define its own identity in Bicol University. Bicol University is a multi-discipline University with excellent programs in Teacher Education, Sciences, Social Work Engineering and Accountancy.

The students of the Peace Studies Department participated in the workshop-exhibit to highlight the achievements of the College. It is a well known fact that majority, that is 70% of the Peace Studies majors are males. This is a male dominated department in terms of number of enrollees. Many of the viewers in the workshop commented that the presentation was too manly. However, here in the department we are trying to debunk the assumption that males are prone to violent behavior. The fact that Peace Majors are commended for their friendliness, gentle and well-mannered behavior is a testimony to the fact that males together with the females can be partners in the promotion of a culture of Peace. After all peaceful or violent disposition is more of a cultural thing. Here at the Department we are promoting peaceful and non-violent means of resolving conflict.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

DOP Alumni Home Coming Set for February 11, 2009

The Department of Peace Studies is calling on all its alumni for a homecoming on February 11, 2009. There will be an evening program and reception for the alumni and faculty members to be tendered by the Junior Peace Advocates. Please dissiminate the information. For further information please contact the Department Chairperson at +63 910-6292527.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

DOP to Celebrate its 13th year as a Department

Undergraduate Students of the Department of Peace Studies Performing a "Peace" Inspired Doxology, Bicol University Amphitheater

The Department of Peace Studies of Bicol University's College of Social Sciences and Philosophy will celebrate Peace Day on February 11, 2009. A set of activities both traditional and innovative are planned for by the Senior's Class. As traditionally done, the whole event will start with a Solemn Liturgical Celebration or the Holy Mass as an expression of our abiding faith and trust in the Almighty. It will be followed by the annual lecture to be delivered by a guest of honor who will be invited solely for this occasion. The afternoon of the 11th of February will include several activities, like contests, tree planting and community services. In the eveneing there will be a ball to honor the members of the alumni and distinguished faculty members. We will keep you posted on developments as we go on with our preparations.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

BU Set to Reframe Its Peace Studies Program

N-6, Department of Peace Studies, BU-CSSP, Arcilla Hall, Daraga Campus,Daraga, Albay, Philippines - The official Address of the Department of Peace Studies

Arcilla Hall as seen from the Second Floor of the Social Science Building, Home to the Department of Peace Studies. This is the Old Gabaldon Building dating back to the American Colonial Days. The Thomasites Built Schools in the Countryside in order to Provide General Education to the Public. Made of Sturdy Hard Wood and Cement, this has stood the test of times. A legacy of the Past, but worth preserving. This hold memories to hundreds of children now in their adult years who passed through its portals.

The Bicol University is set to Reframe and redirect its Peace Education Program in order to meet the demands and development needs of the region and of the nation. This is also one way of articulating a coherent Peace Education Program that would cover the Basic as well as higher education. A series of preliminary meetings had been undertaken to this effect and participated by key persons in the University. On January 28-29, 2009, BU will conduct the first workshop to set the direction for the BU Peace Education Program. As they say it a shot in the arm. The dynamism of a proogram is proven by its ability to meet the needs of the community and its adaptability. The Department of Peace Studies hopes that this undertaking will result in a revitalized Peace Education Program, responsive to the regional and national development goals.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

BU-CSSP Department of Peace Studies Chair on Courtesy Call with the Mexican Ambassador to Manila

Dr. Herbert Rosana (right) paid a courtesy call on His Excellency Dr. Tomas Javier Calvillo Unna, Mexican Ambassador to the Philippines, at the Ambassador's Office in Makati, Metro Manila, Philippines

The Chairperson of the Department of Peace Studies, on January 13, 2009, paid a courtesy call on His Excellency Dr. Tomas Javier Calvillo Unna, Ambassador of the United States of Mexico to the Philippines at his office on Legaspi Street, Legaspi Village, Makati Metro Manila, Philippines. The Chairperson came to know about the ambassador through one of his co-participant in a seminar on Peace and Conflict Research in Uppsala, Sweden who happened to be a former collegue of the ambassador in COLSAN. H.E. Tomas Javier Calvillo Unna prior to his appointment as Ambassador was founder and former president of El Colegio de San Luis (COLSAN) in San Luis Potosi (SLP). COLSAN is a state instituion in SLP. Being an academic and a scholar in the international relations field, the ambassador found interest in discussing with the chairperson matters related to peace, human rights and governance. The Ambassador's academic interest centered on State Formation Theories. Their conversation centered on topics of mutual interests between Mexico and the Philippines. Parellisms were also mentioned, especially those that pertains to Minority and indigenous peoples. Moreover the Ambassador expressed the need and interests to find ways to connect with the academe and seek opportunities by which Filipino academics could share knowledge and information with Mexican Academics. Mexico and the Philippines share not only common historical roots, but also similar experiences on state formation and state building being former colonies of Spain. Until 1815, the Philippines was administered by the Spanish Administration in New Spain (the name of Mexico during colonial times). There are many things that Filipino scholars and researchers could learn from the experience of Mexico and vice versa. For his part the Department Chairperson extended the invitation for His Excellency to visit Bicol Univesity and be a guest speaker for its grand academic conference in September this year when Bicol University will celebrate its 40th founding anniversary. The Ambassador readily expressed his desire to visit Bicol University and also to see Legazpi City, where the main campus of Bicol University is located.

BAPS Volunteerism January 2009

The Junior Peace Advocates under the direction of its current leadership has undertaken a volunteer work in behalf of the Department of Peace Studies on January 10,2009. The officers and members of this college based organization undertook the tasks of cleaning the classrooms, the offices and the grounds. The Junior Peace Advocates known as JPA is a college based organization of the undergraduate students of the Department of Peace Studies. The organization aside from promoting peace, has encouraged its members to practice volunteerism and to make it a part of their lives. This organization was founded in 1996. It also supports a student publication known as THE PEACE ODYSSEY. Through the years the organization, through its dynamic leadership has sponsored numerous activities in support of the Department of Peace Studies.

The Officers and Members of the JPA as featured in one of the Department's Bulletin Board

The Members of the JPA helped clean and re-arranged the faculty room.

The members undertook the cleaning of the classrooms. The Department occupies the Arcilla Hall. It is actually one of the oldest structure in the University built during the American Colonial Years.