THE PEACE CAFETERIA is the Blog of the DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES of Bicol University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. This blog was set up to serve as posting board for events, news and items of information and interests about the activities, advocacy, and research of the Department of Peace Studies.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


The Members of the Department
The JPA and the Children
The Department of Peace Studies headed by Dr. Herbert B. Rosana, together with the faculty members of the Department, Ms. Gina Oropesa and Mr. Lloyd Berdin and together with the officers and members of the Junior Peace Advocates joined the ANDUROG KAN DERECHOS in its 2nd Anniversary.  The theme of the anniversary states thus: Working Towards Promotion of Human Dignity.  The Secretariat of the Andurog kan Derechos under the leadership of Fr. Ramonsito S. Segubiense and ably assisted by the staff of the Social Action Center of Legazpi and Ms. Aimee Bertillo organized a series of activities such as medical missions, story telling for kids and awareness campaign for human rights.  The venue for this activity was the San Roque Parish Church of Taizan.  The Parish priest of Taizan is Fr. Rally Siapno.  The Department of Peace Studies as tasked to take charged of the story telling for kids.  There were almost eighty pre-school children who participated in the story telling session for peace.  Dr. Herbert Rosana conducted the story telling sessions.  After the story telling session the students of the Department of Peace Studies took turns in facilitating the games for the kids.

The Boy and the Apple Tree: Story Telling for Human Rights and filial piety

or those who may not be aware what the Andurog kan Derechos is, this organization is a Multi-Sector Quick Response Team or MSQRT created as an alternative approach to address the phenomenon of extra-legal killing and enforced disappearances.  It aims to provide capacities for its members to do investigation and reporting on human rights violations especially the phenomenon mentioned above.  The MSQRT is the first of its kind and has been replicated in various parts of the country with the help of the Ateneo de Manila Human Rights Center (AHRC) and the Asia Foundation.  The Andurog kan Derechos is a grouping of several agencies and private organizations including the academe.

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