THE PEACE CAFETERIA is the Blog of the DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES of Bicol University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. This blog was set up to serve as posting board for events, news and items of information and interests about the activities, advocacy, and research of the Department of Peace Studies.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

PEACE Department Joins Pilot School for Peace in WALK FOR PEACE

The San Isidro Elementary School in cooperation with the Local Government of Castilla, the 903rd Brigade Infantry of the Philippine Army, the Philippine National Police, the Parish of St. John the Baptist and the Bicol Consortium for Peace Education and Development (BCPED).  The Students of the Department of Peace Studies of Bicol University joined in the walk for peace.  The walk for peace started at exactly 7:00 a.m. from the junction road to Castilla to San Isidro.  The children held placards expressing their advocacies for peace.  The pupils were joined by their parents, the local barangay officials, and other guests.  The activity was successfully facilitated by the principal of the School, Mr. Teddy Janola in cooperation with the teachers of San Isidro Elementary School. The Walk for Peace was capped with a program.  Fr. Benny Furo, the parish pastor gave the invocation, while the Barangay Chair in the person of Ms. Salome J. Janoras gave the welcome message.  Lt. Col. Lina of the 903rd Brigade Infantry Battalion of the Philippine Army gave his impression, as well as the Hon. Olivia M. Bermillo municpal mayor, PCI Alfredo A Nierva, the Chief of Police, Danica J. Balonzo Pupil President and Dr. Herbert B. Rosana of the Bicol Consortium for Peace Education and Development gave their messages of solidarity.  Indeed the activity was characterized by fine weather after several days of rain.  The walk for peace was indeed a fitting tribute to all peace workers and as a way to meaningfully close the month of Peace.  The program was capped with the signing of the Barangay Resolution declaring the San Isidro Elementary School as a School of Peace and that the barangay has pledge support for the same.

Young School Children Bearing Placards in Support of Peace
The Pupils, Parents, Teachers and Local Officials of the Barangay
Dr. Herbert B. Rosana together with the BAPS students from Bicol University
The Community Stakeholders Receiving Certificates of Appreciation
The Junior Students of the Bachelor of Arts in Peace Program of Bicol University
The Pupils and Teachers of San Isidro Elementary School

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