THE PEACE CAFETERIA is the Blog of the DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES of Bicol University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. This blog was set up to serve as posting board for events, news and items of information and interests about the activities, advocacy, and research of the Department of Peace Studies.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

National Reading Month Celebrated at the Pilot School of Peace in San Isidro

November was declared by the Department of Education as National Reading Month.  In consonance with this celebration the San Isidro Elementary School held a reading program for their pupils by inviting prominent citizens of the community to read a story to children.  The DepED launched the "Every Child a Reader" program or ECARP.  The objectives of this program are the following:  promote reading and literacy among the pupils and students; (2) motivate our youth to learn from the lives and works of imminent Filipinos; (3) uphold one's heritage and values; and (4) making reading a shared physical experience, especially among the youth, thereby increasing it's relevance a midst the growing reliance on the internet and inclination to on-online activities. So in this regard the San Isidro Elementary School though its principal Mr. Teddy C. Janola and their teachers organized a "read-a-long" program on November 25, 2011.

Dr. Herbert B. Rosana, interacting with the Grade IV-A Pupils

Dr. Herbert B. Rosana, Director of the Secretariat of the BCPED and Department Chairman of the Peace Studies Program of Bicol University was invited to read a story to Grade IV pupils in San Isidro.  Together with the students of the Peace Studies Department and their organization, the Junior Peace Advocates (JPA) went to San Isidro Elementary School upon the invitation of the Principal.  The students were delighted to have this opportunity to visit once again the school of peace and to be involved in a worthy cause.  This is also an opportunity for them to get expose to community work. 

The Children listened to the story.  The JPA Officers acted as elder brothers and sisters.
Dr. Rosana was tasked to read to the Grade IV-A students.  He read to them the story of how the mango tree came to be.  The story is a contemporary legend of how the mango came to be.  It was a story written by Rene O. Villanueva.  The story is about a family whose mother died early.  The father was left behind to care for their three sons.  Because of excessive grief the father failed in his duty to care for the children.  Eventually the two elderly sons decided to claim their share of the inheritance.  The eldest took the vast land holdings of the family, while the second son took the house.  Jose, the youngest of the three was left with nothing so he decided to move to a small hut with his father and he decided that it was his duty to care for his father.  As the condition of the father grew worse and worse day by day he decided to leave Jose his share.  He gave Jose a heart-shaped seed and he said that it symbolized the love the mother and father had for them.  He instructed Jose to plant it and make it grow once he is dead.  Finally when the father died Jose planted the seed and it grew to become a big fruit bearing tree.  It bore a heart shape yellow fruit.  It's taste was sweet and finally he decided to sell it and then plant some more until he grew to become a wealthy person.  His elder brothers lost all theior inheritance because of neglect and incompetence.  But in his generosity he decided to buy back the lands and house they lost and let his brothers stay there.  And they lived happily ever after. 

The Legend of the Mango revealed moral lessons.  It brought out the filial piety of the Filipino.  That we should honor and respect our parents and elders.  Second the value of generosity and magnanimity.  Like Jose we need to be forgiving and sow the seeds of love.  It also draw the ugly side of selfishness and pride and greed.  At the same time it also encourages one to be hard working and to be patient.  The pupils enjoyed the interaction and to cap the story each children were rewarded with a piece of Mango and some candies.

The pupils participating in the question and answer portion

The Story Telling Session

The members of the JPA served as "Ates" and "Kuyas"

The JPA members posed with the principal of San Isidro together with the members of the AFP

Dr. Rosana giving out a mango fruit.  Part of the motivation process in the story telling session.

One of the Ates serving the pupils with pieces of the Mango Fruit

Dr. Rosana with the members and officers of the JPA and with Ms. Gina Oropesa , an Instructor in the Department

Dr. Rosana being interviewed by LtC Lelina for their Radio Program in Sorsogon

Mr. Teddy Janola, the principal, Dr. Rosana and LtC Lelina of the 903 Brigade Stationed in Castilla, Sorsogon

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