THE PEACE CAFETERIA is the Blog of the DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES of Bicol University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. This blog was set up to serve as posting board for events, news and items of information and interests about the activities, advocacy, and research of the Department of Peace Studies.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


The Bicol University Professors and Instructors from the Department of Sociology and the Department of Peace Studies  visited the Philippine Military Academy on December 7-10, 2011 upon the invitation of the Social Science Department of the Academics Group of the Philippine Military Academy.  This exchange visit was facilitated at the PMA by Capt. Eddie Balunso who teaches and serves as director of the course in comparative ideologies.  Capt. Baluso was a former instructor of the Bicol University prior to his moving to the Academy.  This activity was first of its kind in the history of the Academy.  An opening to the outside world and the willingness to learn from the outside world seem to be the movement of trend at the academy.  This exchange program undertaken by the PMA is the first of its kind and we sincerely hope that this event would have sown the seed.  

Despite of heavy rains and thunderstorms, the team from Bicol University arrived on December 7, 2011 at around 5 p.m. in the evening.  The following day, December 8, 2011 the activity of the visiting groupincludes courtesy call to the different offices of the academic group and especially to the chief executives of the said group. The group was also invited to lunch with the Cadets at the mess hall.  The waiting at the holding area of the mess hall provided an opportunity for the group to engaged in fruitful conversation with the officials.  In the afternoon of the same day, Dr. Dolores Laguilles delivered her lecture on Feminism and Women Issues in the Military to around 150 senior cadets.  Her lecture was well received by the audience.  It generated interesting discussion among the audience.

On December 9, 2011, Dr. Herbert Rosana of Bicol University delivered his lecture on the Internal and Ideological Motivated Conflicts in the Philippines: A Non Military Perspectives of Conflict Resolution.  He emphasized the theories related to conflict and how these interact with the varied ideologies providing moral support to the rebellion.  The lecturer underscored the importance of engaging the local communities in various activities.  This engagement with the communities will help in providing understanding to the roots of conflicts in the country.  After the lecture of Dr. Rosana, the faculty members of the PMA and the visiting faculty of BU engaged in a focus group discussion whose aim was to generate ideas and suggestions to help enhance and develop the existing curriculum of the academy.  After that a fellowship lunch was tendered by the Social Science faculty of the Academic Group.  In the afternoon, Prof. Glenton Guiriba delivered his lecture on community development.  After the lecture a general closing program was held.

At the entrance of the Admin Group. From L-R Prof. Glenton Guiriba, Dr. Dolores Laguilles, Dr. Herbert Rosana, Martin, Miss Kathy Evasco and Mr. Ian Relao.

Dr. Rosana Receiving his plaque of appreciation from Major Lope Dominngo Jr Department Head of Social Science Department

With the Female Cadets of the PMA and stood their grown.

Philippine Military Academy

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