THE PEACE CAFETERIA is the Blog of the DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES of Bicol University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. This blog was set up to serve as posting board for events, news and items of information and interests about the activities, advocacy, and research of the Department of Peace Studies.

Friday, December 23, 2011


BAPSS Alumni Pioneer Class of 2001 held Preliminary Meeting at Brent's Grill on December 22, 2011
After a decade since leaving the portals of Bicol University, the core group of the Pioneer Class (2001) of the degree program: Bachelor of Arts in Peace and Security Studies held a preliminary meeting at Brent's Grill on December 22, 2011.  The purpose of the said meeting was to organize a core group that would spearhead the General Alumni Homecoming planned for 2012. They elected their officers who will serve as steering committee.  It was agreed upon that the organization will raise funds for its activities and will seek the cooperation of all batches.  One strategy proposed was to identify a coordinator for each batch who will do the leg work and convinced the alumni to participate in the General Alumni Home-Coming.  Since the program was opened in 1996, the University has graduated hundreds of Peace Majors who are now well placed in various professional groupings.  Many of of the alumni are members of the Uniformed Services and the Police.  Some even occupying important positions.  We opined that after a decade the alumni has matured and it is time now for them to give back whatever the University has given them by helping the Department promote its programs.  Perhaps the alumni could help raise funds for the scholarship grant to help the poor but intelligent and promising BAPS student.  The alumni can also help in providing placement for our graduates.  Hence, Dr. Herbert Rosana, the department head has encouraged the alumni to work hard for this purpose. 

The Pioneer Class (2001) with their Adviser Dr. Herbert Rosana
Aside from the main agenda, the pioneer class took the opportunity to reminisce the past and to share stories.  It was almost a decade ago.  The department through its department head has expressed its appreciation for the alumni for their achievements.  What achievement should a teacher have than to see his students achieve milestones in life.  The formative years is so important that even after a decade we still feel the closeness and the bonds that tie us to our Alma Mater.  We are as equally proud as you are.  The experience of the pioneer class was unique compared to other batches.  They were the ones who experienced the birth pangs of the department.  They suffered from persecution and discrimination.  At the time when we were setting up the department there were individuals and even groups who oppose the program.  The opposition often manifested in forms of discrimination.  At that time we did not have permanent classrooms, the department has no office of its own.  We practically have to conduct our transactions in corridors.  Sometimes they were treated with bias.  But despite of this hardships, they never gave up.  They stood up for their rights.  And perhaps if they could today meet their detractors of the past, they would see the transformation.  In fact those days of persecutions were blessings in disguise because those were the factors that moved us to gain greater heights.  We never allowed our detractors to put us down.  But true to our calling as PEACE MAKERS we graciously overcame difficulties with love, compassion and with firmness.  The new generations of BAPS today may never realized the difficulties we have underwent but today they are the recipient of what we struggled for.  Mabuhay ang PEACE STUDIES DEPARTMENT (1996- at present) and beyond) Congratulations PIONEERS!

Thanks for Leonard and Jonard for facilitating the meeting, we hope to see a truly GRAND ALUMNI HOMECOMING FOR THE DEPARTMENT IN 2012.  God bless the next effort of the steering committee.
The names of those who participated in the alumni meeting:

1. Salve Gonzaga Nava - Philippine National Police (PO1)
2. Missy Vita (Dr.)
3. Amy Garcia Astillero - Armed Forces of the Philippines (Captain)
4. Nino Rodel Requiza - Philippine National Police (PO2)
5. Rocky L. Bumalay - Armed Forces of the Philippines (Corporal)
6. Eugene L. Cordovilla - Armed Forces of the Philippines (Corporal)
7. Lorenzo Saret - Philippine National Police
8. Nestor Cuachin - Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (JO2)
9. Brigido Luzon - Philippine National Police (PO1)
10. Brando S. Cajaro - Philippine National Police (PO1)
11. Dexter Llaguno 
12. Jhonail Ebuenga -Sales/Business
13. Rolly Borromeo - Sales/Business
14. Ronnel Vibar - Armed Forces of the Philippines (Corporal)
15. Domingo Balla - Philippine National Police (PO2)
16. Jonard Aranaz - BU/BCCARD
17. Leonardo Astillero - Philippine National Police (PO2)
18. Kirby Rosana - Sales/Business

Adviser: Dr. Herbert B. Rosana

1 comment:

jaywalker said...

Sana kami magkaroon din ng ganito...