THE PEACE CAFETERIA is the Blog of the DEPARTMENT OF PEACE STUDIES of Bicol University College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. This blog was set up to serve as posting board for events, news and items of information and interests about the activities, advocacy, and research of the Department of Peace Studies.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

BOOKS FOR PEACE 2011 - San Isidro Elementary School- School of Peace

On December 20, 2011, the San Isidro Elementary School through the efforts of Principal Teddy Janola and the Teachers, launched the Books for Peace Project.  This is an innovative way of drawing community support for the School. Various sectors from the community participated in the activity. Rev. Benny Furo of the St. John the Baptist parish in Castilla gave the invocation, after which the Barangay Chairperson, Salome J. Janoras gave the welcome message.  Messages of support were given by the Hon. Olivia Bermillo, the municipal mayor, Col. Felix Castro, District Supervisor of Castilla East District Rosalina P. Burabod, Alfredo P. Nierva, Chief of the Police Station, and Dr. Herbert Rosana of the BCPED.  The PTA President gave the closing remark.  After the program each classes went to their respective classrooms for the Christmas Party.

The Books Presented to the Children by Generous Donors

The Pupils of San Isidro

Dr. Herbert Rosana with the Kindergarten Teachers and with Lea Cerbito the President of the JPA

Officers of the Junior Peace Advocates with our partners

Friday, December 23, 2011


BAPSS Alumni Pioneer Class of 2001 held Preliminary Meeting at Brent's Grill on December 22, 2011
After a decade since leaving the portals of Bicol University, the core group of the Pioneer Class (2001) of the degree program: Bachelor of Arts in Peace and Security Studies held a preliminary meeting at Brent's Grill on December 22, 2011.  The purpose of the said meeting was to organize a core group that would spearhead the General Alumni Homecoming planned for 2012. They elected their officers who will serve as steering committee.  It was agreed upon that the organization will raise funds for its activities and will seek the cooperation of all batches.  One strategy proposed was to identify a coordinator for each batch who will do the leg work and convinced the alumni to participate in the General Alumni Home-Coming.  Since the program was opened in 1996, the University has graduated hundreds of Peace Majors who are now well placed in various professional groupings.  Many of of the alumni are members of the Uniformed Services and the Police.  Some even occupying important positions.  We opined that after a decade the alumni has matured and it is time now for them to give back whatever the University has given them by helping the Department promote its programs.  Perhaps the alumni could help raise funds for the scholarship grant to help the poor but intelligent and promising BAPS student.  The alumni can also help in providing placement for our graduates.  Hence, Dr. Herbert Rosana, the department head has encouraged the alumni to work hard for this purpose. 

The Pioneer Class (2001) with their Adviser Dr. Herbert Rosana
Aside from the main agenda, the pioneer class took the opportunity to reminisce the past and to share stories.  It was almost a decade ago.  The department through its department head has expressed its appreciation for the alumni for their achievements.  What achievement should a teacher have than to see his students achieve milestones in life.  The formative years is so important that even after a decade we still feel the closeness and the bonds that tie us to our Alma Mater.  We are as equally proud as you are.  The experience of the pioneer class was unique compared to other batches.  They were the ones who experienced the birth pangs of the department.  They suffered from persecution and discrimination.  At the time when we were setting up the department there were individuals and even groups who oppose the program.  The opposition often manifested in forms of discrimination.  At that time we did not have permanent classrooms, the department has no office of its own.  We practically have to conduct our transactions in corridors.  Sometimes they were treated with bias.  But despite of this hardships, they never gave up.  They stood up for their rights.  And perhaps if they could today meet their detractors of the past, they would see the transformation.  In fact those days of persecutions were blessings in disguise because those were the factors that moved us to gain greater heights.  We never allowed our detractors to put us down.  But true to our calling as PEACE MAKERS we graciously overcame difficulties with love, compassion and with firmness.  The new generations of BAPS today may never realized the difficulties we have underwent but today they are the recipient of what we struggled for.  Mabuhay ang PEACE STUDIES DEPARTMENT (1996- at present) and beyond) Congratulations PIONEERS!

Thanks for Leonard and Jonard for facilitating the meeting, we hope to see a truly GRAND ALUMNI HOMECOMING FOR THE DEPARTMENT IN 2012.  God bless the next effort of the steering committee.
The names of those who participated in the alumni meeting:

1. Salve Gonzaga Nava - Philippine National Police (PO1)
2. Missy Vita (Dr.)
3. Amy Garcia Astillero - Armed Forces of the Philippines (Captain)
4. Nino Rodel Requiza - Philippine National Police (PO2)
5. Rocky L. Bumalay - Armed Forces of the Philippines (Corporal)
6. Eugene L. Cordovilla - Armed Forces of the Philippines (Corporal)
7. Lorenzo Saret - Philippine National Police
8. Nestor Cuachin - Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (JO2)
9. Brigido Luzon - Philippine National Police (PO1)
10. Brando S. Cajaro - Philippine National Police (PO1)
11. Dexter Llaguno 
12. Jhonail Ebuenga -Sales/Business
13. Rolly Borromeo - Sales/Business
14. Ronnel Vibar - Armed Forces of the Philippines (Corporal)
15. Domingo Balla - Philippine National Police (PO2)
16. Jonard Aranaz - BU/BCCARD
17. Leonardo Astillero - Philippine National Police (PO2)
18. Kirby Rosana - Sales/Business

Adviser: Dr. Herbert B. Rosana

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Department of Peace Studies Celebrated Human Rights Week

The Department of Peace Studies celebrated the Human Rights week with various activities to highlight our commitment to the promotion of respect for human rights and for human rights education in general.  In the Department of Peace Studies we believe that respect for human rights is an integral aspect of Peace Education.  Of which the bottom line is that when the dignity of the individual human person is recognized, respected and given the opportunity to realize one's potentials as human persons, that peace and harmony in society could be promoted.  These were some of the activities held:

1. On December 5, 2011 the Junior Peace Advocates donated banners highlighting our support for the celebration of Human Rights Week.  The banners were displayed in front of the Bicol University Daraga Campus;

2. On December 5, 2011, a symposium was held attended by various sectors in society where the Church/NGO, the Police, and the Commission on Human Rights served as resource persons and the various sectors served as re-actors.  The theme of the symposium was on the status of Extra-Judicial Killing.  Various perspectives were brought into the fore during the discussion.

3. On December 8, 2011, an art exhibit was held at the Arcilla Hall in cooperation with cause oriented groups.  The purpose of which was to highlight the importance of human rights through art works.

Some of the Art Works on Display at the BU Daraga Campus

Art Work that Depicts the struggle of the Ordinary Filipino for Human  Rights

Sunday, December 11, 2011


The Bicol University Professors and Instructors from the Department of Sociology and the Department of Peace Studies  visited the Philippine Military Academy on December 7-10, 2011 upon the invitation of the Social Science Department of the Academics Group of the Philippine Military Academy.  This exchange visit was facilitated at the PMA by Capt. Eddie Balunso who teaches and serves as director of the course in comparative ideologies.  Capt. Baluso was a former instructor of the Bicol University prior to his moving to the Academy.  This activity was first of its kind in the history of the Academy.  An opening to the outside world and the willingness to learn from the outside world seem to be the movement of trend at the academy.  This exchange program undertaken by the PMA is the first of its kind and we sincerely hope that this event would have sown the seed.  

Despite of heavy rains and thunderstorms, the team from Bicol University arrived on December 7, 2011 at around 5 p.m. in the evening.  The following day, December 8, 2011 the activity of the visiting groupincludes courtesy call to the different offices of the academic group and especially to the chief executives of the said group. The group was also invited to lunch with the Cadets at the mess hall.  The waiting at the holding area of the mess hall provided an opportunity for the group to engaged in fruitful conversation with the officials.  In the afternoon of the same day, Dr. Dolores Laguilles delivered her lecture on Feminism and Women Issues in the Military to around 150 senior cadets.  Her lecture was well received by the audience.  It generated interesting discussion among the audience.

On December 9, 2011, Dr. Herbert Rosana of Bicol University delivered his lecture on the Internal and Ideological Motivated Conflicts in the Philippines: A Non Military Perspectives of Conflict Resolution.  He emphasized the theories related to conflict and how these interact with the varied ideologies providing moral support to the rebellion.  The lecturer underscored the importance of engaging the local communities in various activities.  This engagement with the communities will help in providing understanding to the roots of conflicts in the country.  After the lecture of Dr. Rosana, the faculty members of the PMA and the visiting faculty of BU engaged in a focus group discussion whose aim was to generate ideas and suggestions to help enhance and develop the existing curriculum of the academy.  After that a fellowship lunch was tendered by the Social Science faculty of the Academic Group.  In the afternoon, Prof. Glenton Guiriba delivered his lecture on community development.  After the lecture a general closing program was held.

At the entrance of the Admin Group. From L-R Prof. Glenton Guiriba, Dr. Dolores Laguilles, Dr. Herbert Rosana, Martin, Miss Kathy Evasco and Mr. Ian Relao.

Dr. Rosana Receiving his plaque of appreciation from Major Lope Dominngo Jr Department Head of Social Science Department

With the Female Cadets of the PMA and stood their grown.

Philippine Military Academy

Sunday, November 27, 2011

National Reading Month Celebrated at the Pilot School of Peace in San Isidro

November was declared by the Department of Education as National Reading Month.  In consonance with this celebration the San Isidro Elementary School held a reading program for their pupils by inviting prominent citizens of the community to read a story to children.  The DepED launched the "Every Child a Reader" program or ECARP.  The objectives of this program are the following:  promote reading and literacy among the pupils and students; (2) motivate our youth to learn from the lives and works of imminent Filipinos; (3) uphold one's heritage and values; and (4) making reading a shared physical experience, especially among the youth, thereby increasing it's relevance a midst the growing reliance on the internet and inclination to on-online activities. So in this regard the San Isidro Elementary School though its principal Mr. Teddy C. Janola and their teachers organized a "read-a-long" program on November 25, 2011.

Dr. Herbert B. Rosana, interacting with the Grade IV-A Pupils

Dr. Herbert B. Rosana, Director of the Secretariat of the BCPED and Department Chairman of the Peace Studies Program of Bicol University was invited to read a story to Grade IV pupils in San Isidro.  Together with the students of the Peace Studies Department and their organization, the Junior Peace Advocates (JPA) went to San Isidro Elementary School upon the invitation of the Principal.  The students were delighted to have this opportunity to visit once again the school of peace and to be involved in a worthy cause.  This is also an opportunity for them to get expose to community work. 

The Children listened to the story.  The JPA Officers acted as elder brothers and sisters.
Dr. Rosana was tasked to read to the Grade IV-A students.  He read to them the story of how the mango tree came to be.  The story is a contemporary legend of how the mango came to be.  It was a story written by Rene O. Villanueva.  The story is about a family whose mother died early.  The father was left behind to care for their three sons.  Because of excessive grief the father failed in his duty to care for the children.  Eventually the two elderly sons decided to claim their share of the inheritance.  The eldest took the vast land holdings of the family, while the second son took the house.  Jose, the youngest of the three was left with nothing so he decided to move to a small hut with his father and he decided that it was his duty to care for his father.  As the condition of the father grew worse and worse day by day he decided to leave Jose his share.  He gave Jose a heart-shaped seed and he said that it symbolized the love the mother and father had for them.  He instructed Jose to plant it and make it grow once he is dead.  Finally when the father died Jose planted the seed and it grew to become a big fruit bearing tree.  It bore a heart shape yellow fruit.  It's taste was sweet and finally he decided to sell it and then plant some more until he grew to become a wealthy person.  His elder brothers lost all theior inheritance because of neglect and incompetence.  But in his generosity he decided to buy back the lands and house they lost and let his brothers stay there.  And they lived happily ever after. 

The Legend of the Mango revealed moral lessons.  It brought out the filial piety of the Filipino.  That we should honor and respect our parents and elders.  Second the value of generosity and magnanimity.  Like Jose we need to be forgiving and sow the seeds of love.  It also draw the ugly side of selfishness and pride and greed.  At the same time it also encourages one to be hard working and to be patient.  The pupils enjoyed the interaction and to cap the story each children were rewarded with a piece of Mango and some candies.

The pupils participating in the question and answer portion

The Story Telling Session

The members of the JPA served as "Ates" and "Kuyas"

The JPA members posed with the principal of San Isidro together with the members of the AFP

Dr. Rosana giving out a mango fruit.  Part of the motivation process in the story telling session.

One of the Ates serving the pupils with pieces of the Mango Fruit

Dr. Rosana with the members and officers of the JPA and with Ms. Gina Oropesa , an Instructor in the Department

Dr. Rosana being interviewed by LtC Lelina for their Radio Program in Sorsogon

Mr. Teddy Janola, the principal, Dr. Rosana and LtC Lelina of the 903 Brigade Stationed in Castilla, Sorsogon

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Theses on Human Rights and Jail Management Sucessfully Defended

The Department of Peace Studies had began with the process of Paper presentation of undergraduate theses.  Two theses were successfully defended on November 4, 2011.  The first to present the paper was Mr. Ben Laurence Balderama.  His paper was entitled: A Comparative Study on the Security Measures Employed in the Two Jail Facilities in Legazpi City.  The Second paper was written by Mr. Edward Rodrigueza entitled Human Rights Awareness of Barangya Chairpersons in Tabaco City.  The defense was held at the Office of the Department of Peace Studies.  The panel who examined the paper was composed of the following professors, Asuncion R. Mirabueno, Lloyd V. Berdin, Imee Bertillo and Ian Relao

Friday, November 04, 2011

Re-Dedication of the Newly Refurbished Arcilla Hall

On October 3, 2011 the Dr. Ricardo Arcilla Hall was dedicated to honor the memory of Dr. Ricardo Arcilla the first president of Bicol University.  Engineer Dante Arcilla the only son of the late university president was present to personally represent the family.  Dr. Fay Lea Patria M. Lauraya, president of Bicol University, together with officials and faculty members were present for the event.

Christmas Comes Early at the Department of Peace Studies

Christmas comes early for the Department of Peace Studies.  My students requested to set up a Christmas Tree to which I willingly obliged on the condition that it be simple, modest but elegant.  Indeed the spirit of Christmas is around and despite the financial crisis plaguing the world we still can rejoice.  Christmas is After all not about material things but more about love and care specially for the unfortunate and the poor. 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

BCPED Tapped to Facilitate Session on Lesson Exemplars in Human Rights

The 73 Elementary School Teachers from Gubat, Sorsogon working on the Lesson Exemplars in Human Rights

The Facilitators of the Workshop
Dr. Herbert Rosana of BCPED Receiving the Certificate of Appreciation from Mayor Ronnel Lim
The BCPED was requested by the Municipality of Gubat, Sorsogon to facilitate the Session on the Introduction of the Human Rights Exemplars to some 73 elementary school teachers from Gubat Sorsogon.  Dr. Herbert B. Rosana, Director of the BCPED facilitated the workshop as assisted by Dr. Ruby Ann Ayo.  The Workshop was held at the Likas Ridge Hotel in Irosin, Sorsogon from October 22-23, 2011.  The event was sponsored by the Municipality of Gubat and the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP).  The first day of the training workshop was a series of sessions.  The participants were welcomed by Mr. Florencio P. Bermundo, Values Education Coordinator of the Divisions of Schools in Sorsogon.  The Honorable Ronnel U. Lim, mayor of Gubat introduced the participants to the concepts of Human Rights, while Dr. Aurora Parong of the Amnesty International discussed the UDHR.  Fr. Michael "Bong" Imperial from the Our Lady of Penafrancia Seminary discussed the spiritual dimensions of Human Rights.  Then in the evening there was the sharing on Human Rights in the Philippines.  Then the following day there was the planning and working on the Lesson exemplars in Human Rights.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


The Members of the Department
The JPA and the Children
The Department of Peace Studies headed by Dr. Herbert B. Rosana, together with the faculty members of the Department, Ms. Gina Oropesa and Mr. Lloyd Berdin and together with the officers and members of the Junior Peace Advocates joined the ANDUROG KAN DERECHOS in its 2nd Anniversary.  The theme of the anniversary states thus: Working Towards Promotion of Human Dignity.  The Secretariat of the Andurog kan Derechos under the leadership of Fr. Ramonsito S. Segubiense and ably assisted by the staff of the Social Action Center of Legazpi and Ms. Aimee Bertillo organized a series of activities such as medical missions, story telling for kids and awareness campaign for human rights.  The venue for this activity was the San Roque Parish Church of Taizan.  The Parish priest of Taizan is Fr. Rally Siapno.  The Department of Peace Studies as tasked to take charged of the story telling for kids.  There were almost eighty pre-school children who participated in the story telling session for peace.  Dr. Herbert Rosana conducted the story telling sessions.  After the story telling session the students of the Department of Peace Studies took turns in facilitating the games for the kids.

The Boy and the Apple Tree: Story Telling for Human Rights and filial piety

or those who may not be aware what the Andurog kan Derechos is, this organization is a Multi-Sector Quick Response Team or MSQRT created as an alternative approach to address the phenomenon of extra-legal killing and enforced disappearances.  It aims to provide capacities for its members to do investigation and reporting on human rights violations especially the phenomenon mentioned above.  The MSQRT is the first of its kind and has been replicated in various parts of the country with the help of the Ateneo de Manila Human Rights Center (AHRC) and the Asia Foundation.  The Andurog kan Derechos is a grouping of several agencies and private organizations including the academe.

BAPS Students in the 2nd Year Anniversary of MSQRT in Albay Click to Hear Podcasts

Tuesday, October 04, 2011


Seated: Teddy Janola, Herbert B. Rosana, Agney Taruc, 
Mrs Jemz Evangelio, and Jeremy Cruz
 The Bicol Consortium for Peace Education and Development (BCPED) in cooperation with the Division of City Schools of Legazpi, headed by its superintendent Dr. Cesar H. Medina and with Oro Site High School headed by its principal Jeremy Cruz in Legazpi City held the Orientation Seminar for the School of Peace Project.  The objective of the seminar was to provide and raise the awareness of the teachers on the need to acquire new awareness and skills to teach peace education in basic education curriculum.  The teaching of Peace Education in the basic education curriculum and teacher education is not an option but a mandate as expressed in EO 570.  Dr. Herbert B. Rosana, the Director of BCPED said that the desire to implement peace education must come from within.  It is not something that is forced to the constituents, but something that they have to accept wholeheartedly. But to do this there is a need to raise the level of consciousness of the constituents.  This awareness raising thing is the first step in the realization of the projects "School of  Peace".  Hence this two day seminar was meant to raise the level of awareness of the peace constituents of Oro Site High School.  The two-day seminar achieved its purpose.  The seminar created a desire and excitement among the teachers and their principal.  In so much so that commitments were expressed and there was a marked willingness among the teachers to get involved in the process.  The "school of peace" concept is not a one-shot project but an ongoing development.  It is a process to be undertaken until such a time that peace is internalized in the personal level of experience, in the school community and in the larger society.  

Plenary Sessions
Oro Site High School is located in an urban barangay.  The locale offers opportunities for inter-cultural dialogue since it hosts the Islamic Center where migrant Muslims congregate for worship.  Moreover, some students are from economically depressed communities.   With this scenario the "School of Peace" can become an an opportunity for meaningful intervention.   The BCPED in cooperation with the Department of Education Region V has been piloting the school of peace in Bicol. The first pilot project was established three years ago in San Isidro Elementary School in Castilla, Sorsogon.  The BCPED Secretariat is on the process of documenting the San Isidro project as a form of best practice in Education.  The BCPED has been the recipient of grants coming from the Office of the Presidential Adviser on the Peace Process (OPAPP).  It has been conducting these series of projects under the banner of the Strengthening Peace Education in the Region of Bicol (Spear-Bicol) and it has been an ongoing engagement with the peace constituencies in Bicol.

The orientation seminar included a series of workshops.  Dr. Herbert B. Rosana facilitated a workshop on the topic of holistic understanding of peace and violence, while Dr. Dolores Laguilles of Bicol University introduced the topic on gender equality.  Late in the afternoon Dr. Rosemarie T. Frias discussed the topic on Human Rights.  The second day included a session on how to become an effective teacher.  The session was facilitated by Prof. Marcia P. Rico.  While the last section was a sharing of best practices.  Mr. Agney Taruc education supervisor II from Region XII, Mrs. Jemz Evangelio, School Head of Imamaling High School in North Cotabato and Mr. Teddy Janola of San Isidro Elementary School shared their experiences on the School of Peace.  There was a lively interaction among the participants as most expressed interest in the schools for peace project.  The seminar ended with a positive note where commitments were made.  On the part of the BCPED we will do our best to be able to facilitate the implementation of these projects so that the intent and spirit of EO 570 will be realized and that  strong constituencies in Bicol are established.

The Teachers who participated in the training were the following:

From Oro Site High School

1. Judy B. Marfil
2. Evelyn F. Arimado
3. Renato Racal
4. Cristina A. Balbin
5. Ma. V. Susana Calacdac
6. Eliza F. Cas
7. Jeremy A. Cruz - School Principal
8. Lea Marie M. Apin
9. A. Orlain
10. Jo-Ann Oliva
11. Elvie D. Bigtas
12. Maricel M. Naz
13. Evangeline Morallo

From Other Schools

1. Fernado A. Hirang II - Bangquerohan HS
2. Julius B. Espadero - Pag-Asa National HS
3. Melanie Dayto - Arimbay Elementary School
4. Agnes Lasin - Maslog HS
5. Sonny Jacob - Arimbay HS
6. Mark A. Valladolid - Cabangan HS
7. Cleve Laurence Velacruz - Ibalon CS
8. Jordette Audrey D. Patacsil-Balingbing
9. C. Nabo-Pagasa NHS

Saturday, October 01, 2011

PEACE Department Joins Pilot School for Peace in WALK FOR PEACE

The San Isidro Elementary School in cooperation with the Local Government of Castilla, the 903rd Brigade Infantry of the Philippine Army, the Philippine National Police, the Parish of St. John the Baptist and the Bicol Consortium for Peace Education and Development (BCPED).  The Students of the Department of Peace Studies of Bicol University joined in the walk for peace.  The walk for peace started at exactly 7:00 a.m. from the junction road to Castilla to San Isidro.  The children held placards expressing their advocacies for peace.  The pupils were joined by their parents, the local barangay officials, and other guests.  The activity was successfully facilitated by the principal of the School, Mr. Teddy Janola in cooperation with the teachers of San Isidro Elementary School. The Walk for Peace was capped with a program.  Fr. Benny Furo, the parish pastor gave the invocation, while the Barangay Chair in the person of Ms. Salome J. Janoras gave the welcome message.  Lt. Col. Lina of the 903rd Brigade Infantry Battalion of the Philippine Army gave his impression, as well as the Hon. Olivia M. Bermillo municpal mayor, PCI Alfredo A Nierva, the Chief of Police, Danica J. Balonzo Pupil President and Dr. Herbert B. Rosana of the Bicol Consortium for Peace Education and Development gave their messages of solidarity.  Indeed the activity was characterized by fine weather after several days of rain.  The walk for peace was indeed a fitting tribute to all peace workers and as a way to meaningfully close the month of Peace.  The program was capped with the signing of the Barangay Resolution declaring the San Isidro Elementary School as a School of Peace and that the barangay has pledge support for the same.

Young School Children Bearing Placards in Support of Peace
The Pupils, Parents, Teachers and Local Officials of the Barangay
Dr. Herbert B. Rosana together with the BAPS students from Bicol University
The Community Stakeholders Receiving Certificates of Appreciation
The Junior Students of the Bachelor of Arts in Peace Program of Bicol University
The Pupils and Teachers of San Isidro Elementary School

Thursday, September 22, 2011


The San Isidro Elementary School - The Pilot School of Peace, a project of the DepED in cooperation with the Bicol Consortium for Peace Education and Development (BCPED) held various enrichment activities to promote awareness for peace.  The Photos and Captions are courtesy of MR. TEDDY JANOLA, the school principal of San Isdiro Elementary School.

Our Grade I class during the film showing with peace integration. Done during the 2011 International Day of Peace, Sept. 21, 2011.

Our Grade VI Class projects during the 2011 International Day of Peace, Sept. 21,

A Grade V pupil being awarded 1st in poster making contest during the school celebration of the 2011 International Day of Peace. Posters, slogans and other pupil's outputs during the celebration are displayed on stage (some are posted).

A way of saying "Thanks to All" during the school celebration of the 2011 International Day of Peace, Sept 21, 2011 and to campaign to join us in our
"2011 Walk for Peace"

Our pupils in the poster making contest during the 2011 International Day of Peace, Sept. 21, 2011.

Awarding of prizes the the champion in Tug of War, kinder, Girls Category during the school celebration of the 2011 International Day of Peace, Sept. 21, 2011

Our pupils from different grade levels in the slogan making contest during the 2011 International Day of Peace, Sept. 21, 2011. Winners are selected by grade level.

Our Kinder class extending the spirit of peace by visiting the pupils of the different grade levels in our school during the 2011 International Day of Peace, Sept. 21, 2011.

A way of saying "Thanks to All" during the school celebration of the 2011 International Day of Peace, Sept 21, 2011 and to campaign to join us in our
"2011 Walk for Peace"

Our Grade I pupils playing Longest Line contest during the 2011 International Day of Peace, Sept. 21, 2011.

Our pupils playing sack race. The challenge: To get their footwear back correctly! Our school celebration during the 2011 International Day of Peace, Sept. 21, 2011.

Our pupils in school attending the awarding ceremony for the winners of the different contest area during the school celebration of the 2011 International Day of Peace.